Meridian Start Preparing Their Terramortis Minis

May 12, 2015 by dracs

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Meridian Miniatures have announced that they are going to start pre-production of their Terramortis miniatures this week and have published a few quick previews to show us what to expect.

Terramortis Prep

The tagline for Terramortis on Meridian's website is "heroic struggle for our grim future." The models appear to keep with this, having an over-the-top gritty scifi feel to them, ranging from the slightly imperial bodies shown above, to the full Apostate Hordesman who has also appeared.

Apostate Hordesman

I have to admit, I am a little conflicted about this model. At first look it is a wonderful scifi barbarian, with good focus on the sculpt's chains and muscles. However, the proportions look a bit off, with the legs seeming a bit stiff and small due to the protective pads and the head looking too small for the shoulders. Still, it will be cool to see what else Meridian come up with for it.

What do you want to see Terramortis?

"Heroic struggle for our grim future."

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