Snap Up Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe Rules + Tokens!

November 15, 2022 by brennon

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Wargames Illustrated is getting close to the release of their new and updated set of rules, Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe. Andy Callan has expanded and developed their Late Medieval wargaming rules with a whole host of options.

Nevermind The Billhooks Deluxe - Wargames Illustrated

Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe // Wargames Illustrated

Never Mind The Billhooks has been designed to work as a small battle and big skirmish wargame where you will be playing with around 100 miniatures per side on a 6x4 tabletop. A typical game is likely to take around ninety minutes which is pretty good for a Historical wargame!

Nevermind The Billhooks Deluxe Preview - Wargames Illustrated

Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe Preview // Wargames Illustrated

The core rules of Billhook cover the War Of The Roses but there are also additional periods and conflicts covered inside. For example, you get access to...

  • Albion – The Wars of the Roses
  • Gallia – The Hundred Years’ War
  • Bohemia – The Hussite Wars
  • Helvetia – The Swiss-Burgundian War
  • Italia – The Italian Wars
  • Northumbria – The Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers
  • Lusitania – Late Medieval Portugal
  • Hibernia – Warfare in Ireland

As Wargames Illustrated has said, there are rules within for Irish Gallowglass, Hussite War Wagons, Landsknecht Pikemen and more. All of this sits atop a card-driven turn sequence with buckets o' dice being rolled for the full, chaotic effect.

Nevermind The Billhooks Deluxe Preview Alt - Wargames Illustrated

Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe Preview // Wargames Illustrated

I like that the book talks about running through all of the Historical stuff but also helpful modelling elements as well. Sometimes you won't know how best to build your troops to fit the period so having access to something like this in your rulebook could be very handy.

You can pick up Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe either as a PDF product or in a physical format with the softback option.

Never Mind The Billhooks Tokens

As well as getting your hands on the rules for Never Mind The Billhooks, you can also pick up two sets of Tokens from Sarissa Precision for Albion/War Of The Roses and Europa.

Nevermind The Billhooks Tokens - Sarissa Precision

Never Mind The Billhooks Tokens // Sarissa Precision

So, if you're looking to get everything you need to play some Never Mind The Billhooks then both Wargames Illustrated and Sarissa Precision have you sorted.

It seems like it might be worth taking a closer look at this one as it covers a period (or periods) of warfare that could be a lot of fun to dive into. Andy Callan has done some superb work in the past with other wargaming rules and this looks to be neat for those potentially starting out for the first time.

Are you going to be giving Never Mind The Billhooks a look?

"Andy Callan has done some superb work in the past with other wargaming rules..."

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