New Ashigaru Raise Bows & Guns For Test Of Honour In 2021

March 8, 2021 by brennon

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Grey For Now Games is working on releasing more miniatures for the 28mm Samurai wargame, Test Of Honour, this year. The lockdown has spurred on more work in the realm of digital sculpting and there are a few Historical miniatures to show off!

Ashigaru With Ozutsu - Test Of Honour

Ashigaru With Ozutsu // Test Of Honour

There are going to be a number of new Ashigaru coming up as the first releases for Test Of Honour this year armed with Ozutsu (heavy muskets) and bows. Important, especially for me who hates sticking too many awkward models together, the idea is that they are all going to be one piece figures!

Ashigaru With Bow - Test Of Honour

Ashigaru With Bow // Test Of Honour

This means that you'll just have to break these out of the box and get to work on painting them. It should be noted that there will be separate sashimonos but they should be no great pain to stick onto their backs.

Many of the new releases will be there to support the Sengoku Expansion Book which released recently and whilst there will be a fair few Ashigaru, there will also be the chance to snap up some new Samurai too.

Samurai 21 - Test Of Honour

Samurai // Test Of Honour

Test Of Honour and the range that supports it is very alluring it has to be said. I like the idea of fighting our Samurai skirmishes on the tabletop and the rules seem very easy to dive into. Who could really say no to a grim-looking Samurai like the fellow above?

If you're into this era of history then there is plenty to enjoy already from Test Of Honour. You can explore their full webstore HERE and get a look at the range of warbands and factions that you can play as.

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"If you're into this era of history then there is plenty to enjoy already from Test Of Honour..."

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