New Burrows & Badgers Minis Hit The Oathsworn Webstore

September 1, 2021 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures have now added their newest set of miniatures to their webstore for those wanting to dive into the Fantasy world of Burrows & Badgers. These were all made available during their last Kickstarter game but you can now snag them up as bundles or individually.

Heroes Undead & Witch Hunters - Burrows & Badgers SEPT

Heroes, Undead & Witch Hunters // Burrows & Badgers

Each of the packs comes in around the forty-to-fifty pound mark and offers you all of the miniatures that you might have missed out on from the Kickstarter. With there being new rules for Witch Hunters and Necromancer warbands in recent Oathsworn Journals, the Devout and Dark packs are pretty good pick-ups.

The Devout - Burrows & Badgers SEPT

The Devout // Burrows & Badgers

The Devout set (seen above) comes with your classic Witch Hunters with fire at the ready as well as some brutal-looking followers of the faith. I particularly like the hunting grubs that you get in this set that you could send out looking for pesky warlocks and witches.

The Dark set (below) then throws into the mix a selection of Mist-Ghasts which are temporary allies for your Necromancer to call on during battle.

The Dark - Burrows & Badgers SEPT

The Dark // Burrows & Badgers

You also have a number of Stable Ghasts amongst the collection that collect experience much like regular characters in Burrows & Badgers. I like all the nods back to the likes of Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Mordheim with these sets. There are plenty of Kemmler and Krell vibes from this set!

Last but not least we have the Heroic set which features a range of characters that could find a home in all manner of different warbands. I have already painted up the Puffin Pirate/Captain and absolutely loved it.

The Heroic - Burrows & Badgers SEPT

The Heroic // Burrows & Badgers

I can't wait to paint up the Badger Ranger at the back for my possible single species warband. The Rabbit Guard also speaks to potentially a larger range of guards and watchmen that might be popping up in the future.

Are you going to be picking up the miniatures you missed out on during the Kickstarter?

"Are you going to be picking up the miniatures you missed out on during the Kickstarter?"

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