Nightmarish Helms Are Donned With New Puppets War Releases

June 29, 2018 by brennon

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Puppets War has now finished some long-awaited helmets for your Space Knights. Check out these Blood Knights...

Blood Knights Helmets - Puppets War

Each of these helmets is clearly designed to work for Sci-Fi miniatures but they might actually work in a Fantasy setting if you paint them right. I love that they have evil skeletal visages that are just aching to be painted, frothing with blood.

As well as these regular helmets they also designed some for Blood Champions too.

Blood Champions Head - Puppets War

A deep bronze colour with red filling the slits in the helmet would work for me I think here. Now you just need to think about what kind of bodies you're going to mount these on.

What do you think of the designs?

"A deep bronze colour with red filling the slits in the helmet would work for me I think here..."

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