Make Sure Not To Anger Northumbrian’s Malfolio Ironbraid!

May 14, 2019 by brennon

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Northumbrian Tin Soldier has released another of their Beardfolk into the world, Malfolio 'The Hammer' Ironbraid. This gruff looking fellow is the bouncer at the local tavern and I wouldn't want to mess with him!

Malfolio The Hammer Ironbraid - Northumbrian Tin Soldier

Much like one of the guards in Skyrim, Malfolio was going to be an adventure until an unfortunate accident had him losing his big toe. Now, with poor balance, it's quite impossible for him to go dungeon delving.

Now he just makes sure that he uses that hammer on anyone who sniggers at him! I absolutely love the quirky nature of the Northumbrian Tin Soldier models and how utterly different they look from other Dwarf ranges out there.

The little beady eyes and angry expressions are just perfect for someone wanting to create a warband of really unique looking adventurers for their skirmish games.


Whilst not new, I also had to really highlight this epic looking set called Gnome More Mr Nice Guys.

Gnome More Mr Nice Guy - Northumbrian Tin Soldier

Angry little gnomes seem like a good shout if you're looking to protect your garden from interlopers. Once again, those trademark beady eyes are hilarious and really make these models!

I am still very close to buying the Guardians Of The Riverbank set by these's Wind In The Willows with more martial might; what's not to like?

Have you snagged any of these wonderful little miniatures?

"Once again, those trademark beady eyes are hilarious and really make these models!"

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