Oathsworn Miniatures Add New Personalities To Burrows & Badgers

February 1, 2022 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures have been working away on some more new characters for use in Burrows & Badgers, their anthropomorphic Fantasy skirmish game. This time, we've got a few more characters that you might find wandering the cobbled streets of the city.

Captain Of The City Watch - Burrows & Badgers

Captain Of The City Watch // Burrows & Badgers

The first is a new Otter, one of my favourite creatures, as a Captain Of The City Watch. Armed and armoured in some of the best gear, you could imagine this Otter marching around trying to keep the rest of their substandard guards in check. That shield is destined to get painted up with some freehand designs or more likely, a well-chosen transfer.

The second of the miniatures is a Rabbit Maid who could well just be minding her own business. She could simply be sweeping away on the steps as gangers and more rush by.

Rabbit Maid - Burrows & Badgers

Rabbit Maid // Burrows & Badgers

As has been suggested though, she could also easily be a spellcaster underneath her worn work clothes. I like the idea that maybe she provides herbal remedies and more for the local people but has had to hide her talents recently as the Witch Hunters have been abroad.

The last of the miniatures is for those wanting to build a street gang. We have this new Hedgehog who has managed to find themselves a very deadly pistol!

Street Gang Hedgehog - Burrows & Badgers

Street Gang Hedgehog // Burrows & Badgers

I can't help but think that that pistol was probably robbed from a junk pile somewhere or was pulled from the river. I get the sense that this poor hedgehog is going to blow his fingers off or get covered in blackpowder rather than scare off his opponent.

Some really fun characters from Oathsworn that continue to build on the world and narrative of Burrows & Badgers.

I should probably get to painting up the models from the last Kickstarter!

"Some really fun characters from Oathsworn that continue to build on the world and narrative of Burrows & Badgers..."

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