Oathsworn Preview New Burrows & Badgers Tunneljacks

December 6, 2022 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures have previewed more of the new miniatures that will be coming to the anthropomorphic world of Burrows & Badgers in the future. Work this time went into bringing the Tunneljacks to life, those brave critters who venture into sewers, burrows and tunnels to get rid of pesky creatures.

Tunneljacks - Burrows & Badgers

Tunneljacks // Burrows & Badgers

Four miniatures were previewed over on the Burrows & Badgers Facebook Group recently showing off a range of different characters that have decided to put on armour and take on the task.

Mole Tunneljack - Burrows & Badgers

Mole Tunneljack // Burrows & Badgers

Michael mentioned in the comments that they often clear out infestations of larvae, beetles, cave spiders and other mindless beasts. Perhaps they might end up running into a deadly Stag Beetle Grub that has invaded the sewers and is scaring off the local populace.

Rabbit Tunneljack - Burrows & Badgers

Rabbit Tunneljack // Burrows & Badgers

As well as being armed with swords and such, some members of the Tunneljacks come armed with much more "experimental" weaponry. A blunderbuss (above) isn't too uncommon and certainly works when you think about the idea of basically blasting everything in a small area in front of you to smithereens.

A flamethrower might be a bit more off the wall though. This Weasel looks rather happy with his latest acquisition and I would fear being a poor bug when this fellow is stomping around.

Weasel Tunneljack - Burrows & Badgers

Weasel Tunneljack // Burrows & Badgers

Whilst these miniatures and the ideas behind them were to be used with a separate Tunneljacks game before, these miniatures might also find themselves getting added into regular Burrows & Badgers with suitably explosive rules for how they work on the tabletop.

I do like the idea of playing out a cooperative encounter where you and your friends take on the role of a Tunneljack team and have to push through an underground location, clearing out bugs and then facing off against some utterly deadly boss at the end. A themed warband would also be fun for Burrows & Badgers.

What do you make of these new Tunneljack miniatures?

"As well as being armed with swords and such, some members of the Tunneljacks come armed with much more "experimental" weaponry..."

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