Oathsworn’s New Burrows & Badger Beaver Beats You Up!

September 3, 2018 by brennon

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Another new miniature popped up last week from Oathsworn Miniatures for their upcoming Burrows & Badgers Kickstarter. Here we have this massive Beaver, ready to smash your head in for wrecking his damn...err...dam.

Beaver Warrior - Oathsworn Miniatures

The team at Oathsworn have been badgered (haha) about making a Beaver miniature for a long time and I think it makes sense to make him into a massive brawler like this. Clad in armour and carrying a double-handed weapon, he is going to be tough to shift on the tabletop.

Interestingly, when they previewed this miniature the Oathsworn team talked about there being a difficulty in getting him cast in metal because he's so big! We might see them turn to resin perhaps to get this guy sculpted up for us as part of their upcoming Kickstarter.

What do you think of this mighty Beaver?

"The team at Oathsworn have been badgered (haha) about making a Beaver miniature for a long time..."

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