Order Fellowship Themed Middle-earth SBG Magazine Issue #12!

September 6, 2022 by brennon

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Damian, Tom and the team behind the fanzine, SBG Magazine, are releasing the newest issue! Following on from Issue #11 which was Fellowship-themed, Issue #12 continues the journey of Frodo and his companions from Rivendell and into Moria before finishing with a clash at Amon-Hen.

SBG Magazine Issue #12 Cover

SBG Magazine Issue #12

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The new magazine features a fantastic article delving into the first time that they saw The Fellowship Of The Ring and I have to say, I got a bit emotional reading it. I remembered the first time I knew about the film coming to cinemas and going there with my parents to watch it. The article is a fantastic look back at that time and a love letter to the first movie.

SBG Magazine Issue #12 Interior #1

As well as that, you have a full-on tactical article looking at using The Fellowship in your games and how versatile they can be. You also have a brilliant look at Boromir as a character and miniature in-game (still probably the best character in The Fellowship after Samwise) and also a tutorial for painting him!

SBG Magazine Issue #12 Interior #2

There is also an immense look at bringing the Argonath to life as part of a diorama, some of which you can see in the image above. It is truly striking and a testament to Dave's diligence and skill. Talking of skill, the whole team has done a wonderful job on this issue from Damian and Tom through to Dave, Rob, Harry and Kev.

I am always particularly in awe of the photography by Jim Muller that has brought the miniatures to life and set up the scenes and battle reports beautifully. Talking of beautiful set-ups, the battle reports in this issue are a blast to read. They start at The Door Of Durin and follow the Fellowship through Moria, out the other side and to the top of Amon-Hen.

The battle reports remind me of those classic White Dwarf articles that got me so enamoured with Warhammer in the first place. Considering they did all of them over Zoom, they've come together really well!

If you're in any way interested in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game I would recommend picking up Issue #12 or perhaps one of the older issues. Issues one through to five are available for free as PDF downloads and you can contact the team at [email protected] for physical versions.

I would heartily recommend snapping this up!

"Issues one through to five are available for free as PDF downloads and you can contact the team at [email protected] for physical versions..."

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