Perry Miniatures Preview New Duchy Of Warsaw Plastic Set

November 3, 2023 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures have been working away on a new 28mm plastic set. This time, the focus is on the Duchy Of Warsaw who are getting themselves two boxes which fill focus on a battalion and a set of elite skirmishers. See what you make of the previews so far...

Duchy Of Warsaw Miniature Examples - Perry Miniatures

Duchy Of Warsaw Miniature Examples // Perry Miniatures

The set is going to allow you to build a selection of different Polish uniforms from the period and tinker with fur caps and shakos. It was noted by the Perrys that the shakos "had to be depicted in covers as both French and Polish plates were used". It seems like the French 1807-14 set can be used in order to accommodate that.

There is no definitive release date for the two sets yet but you can get a better look at how the Main Infantry Frame breaks down below.

Duchy Of Warsaw Infantry Sprue - Perry Miniatures

Duchy Of Warsaw Infantry Sprue // Perry Miniatures

It comes with loads of great options as you'd expect and in all the detail that comes from the Perry Miniatures kits. Dave Gallagher worked with the Perrys on the cover for the box which you'll see below...

Duchy Of Warsaw Box Art - Perry Miniatures

Duchy Of Warsaw Box Art // Perry Miniatures

...and Stephan Huber is going to be producing the Uniform Plates which you can use as a reference when building up your Duchy Of Warsaw units on the tabletop. The miniatures are all looking very nice and I am very taken by the artwork which really manages to capture the action right in the heart of battle.

Make sure to let me know what you make of these new plastics and will you be scooping these up?

Drop your thoughts below!

"Dave Gallagher worked with the Perrys on the cover for the box..."

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