Perry Miniatures’ Spanish Cavalry Ride Into Napoleonic Battles

August 11, 2020 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures has another big bundle of Napoleonic goodness to drop onto your tabletop. This month saw the release of their new Spanish Cavalry in a myriad of different styles and for all manner of theatres of war. Take a peek at some of the painted wargaming miniatures below...

Horse Grenadiers Of Fernando VII - Perry Miniatures

Horse Grenadiers Of Fernando VII // Perry Miniatures

This is a selection of cavalry which covers the more obscure aspects of the Spanish army during this period. In total, you've got eight different packs to pick up including the Horse Grenadiers Of Fernando VII, Dragoons Of Olivencia, Dragoons Of The Alcantara and finally the Mounted Cazadores. All of these are available with both regular riders and their command elements.

Dragoons Of Olivencia - Perry Miniatures

Dragoons Of Olivencia // Perry Miniatures

As you can see, many of these miniatures have been painted up nicely for preview by Francesco Thau but you can go and check out more of the metal miniatures over in their appropriate section on the Perry Miniatures' webstore.

Dragoons Of The Alcantara - Perry Miniatures

Dragoons Of The Alcantara // Perry Miniatures

This range is pretty impressive as it is with a lot of the core elements which make up a Spanish army. Once you've nailed down the more traditional infantry and cavalry elements of your force you can maybe look to pick some of these options up as well in order to give your army a little bit of nuance.

Are you tempted by some new Spanish Cavalry options?

"Are you tempted by some new Spanish Cavalry options?"

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