Pre-Order Your Elf Cavalry For Fantasy Wargame, Oathmark

October 25, 2023 by brennon

North Star Military Figures are now taking pre-orders for the new 28mm Elf Cavalry for use in your games of Oathmark: Battles Of The Lost Age and beyond. You'll be able to get your hands on some lovely new plastic miniatures to use when charging down the enemy.

Elf Cavalry Box - Oathmark

Elf Cavalry Box // Oathmark

The set comes with fifteen miniatures allowing youNorth Star Military Figures are now taking pre-orders for the new 28mm Elf Cavalry for use in your games of Oathmark: Battles Of The Lost Age and beyond. You'll be able to get your hands on some lovely new plastic miniatures to use when charging down the enemy. to make armoured Elf Cavalry. Maybe you're looking to add some punch to your own Kingdom in Oathmark or perhaps you could be looking to bring together a thundering stampede of Elven warriors in their glittering armour from the First Age of Middle-earth? You can do plenty with this new kit!

Elf Cavalry - Oathmark NOV

Elf Cavalry // Oathmark

I like that armour design which matches with what we've seen from the warriors on foot and the horses look hearty and healthy! I think the armour on their heads and the plumes look extra fancy and certainly help to drive home the Elven vibe.

In addition to the plastic Elf Cavalry, you will also be able to pick up a set of metal characters to lead your Kingdom into battle. You can get a King, Wizard, Champion and Musician which can be dotted around your force as you see fit.

Elf Cavalry Heroes - Oathmark

Elf Cavalry Heroes // Oathmark

Again, as someone who is very much in love with Tolkien and Middle-earth, these are screaming Elven cavalry and their heroes that would have clashed against the forces of Morgoth in the First Age. They even have neat little bells which put me in mind of Asfaloth, Glorfindel's horse in The Lord Of The Rings.

As well as the Elf Cavalry above, you'll also be able to pick up some excellent flag and shield designs from Little Big Men Studios which fit perfectly on their shields and around their banner poles.

Elf Cavalry Flags & Shields - Oathmark

Elf Cavalry Flags & Shields // Oathmark

If you're really looking to land that First Age feel then you can also get your hands on some Hounds to use as Huan in your games! Overall, a lovely set of plastic miniatures for bolstering Oathmark armies and being taken further afield as well into other games.

What do you make of the new Elf Cavalry and their legendary leaders?

"...a lovely set of plastic miniatures for bolstering Oathmark armies and being taken further afield as well into other games"

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