Reaper Unleash The Black Rock Troll On Adventurers

February 19, 2019 by brennon

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Reaper Miniatures are continuing their process of releasing a new promotional miniature a month with their Bones Black range. The miniature for February is the Black Rock Troll.

Black Rock Troll - Reaper Miniatures

This beast comes in plastic (as with all of the Bones range) and looks like a fantastic enemy for your adventurers to face. I could imagine a wizard telling the adventurers that they need to retrieve some crystals from a dank, dark cave but little do they know they are on the back of this monstrous beast!

Black Rock Troll (Rear) - Reaper Miniatures

I think you certainly need to get stuck into the patterns across the flesh for this creature when you snap it up. It looks great but I reckon the skin might be a bit too smooth for just a coat of paint and a wash.

How would you drop this Troll into the mix?

"...little do they know they are on the back of this monstrous beast!"

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