Ride Into Punkapocalyptic With New Biker, Spark

May 17, 2018 by dracs

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The Punkapocalyptic world by Bad Roll Games has got itself a new post-apocalypse survivor in the form of Spark this week.

Punkapocalyptic Spark - Bad Roll Games

Another cinematic looking model for the range, doing something dynamic and offering up a cool new piece to paint up and convert. I think he'd look even better with a bike plastered in crazy paint splodges and graffiti. I'd use the opportunity to do some warpaint on Spark himself too, bringing him into the look that we'd seen in Mad Max and the new video game, RAGE 2.

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"I'd use the opportunity to do some warpaint on Spark himself too, bringing him into the look that we'd seen in Mad Max and the new video game, RAGE 2."

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