Robotech RPG Tactics Update from Palladium Books

July 13, 2014 by stvitusdancern

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Palladium Books has posted an update regarding the status of their Robotech RPG Tactics Kickstarter.


According to their Kickstarter page they will be receiving their first shipping containers from the manufacturer in China later this month. With that they will start sorting and packaging their products to ship out to the early backers. They have also announced that they were going to take a small amount of starter sets along with some rulebooks and faction sets to GenCon to display and sell to a limited number of people.


Now of course this had led to some outcry from their backers because they will not get their pledges before some people are able to purchase it at GenCon and as everyone knows there have been several delays in the release of the product to backers by several months.  Palladium Books has acknowledged this concern on the Kickstarter page and are asking backers to vote whether to allow them to do this or not. It should be noted that any non-response will be considered a "yes". It should be interesting to see how this will progress as we approach GenCon.

Since we will be there reporting, hopefully we can bring you up to date information. Are you a backer or fan of Robotech RPG Tactics?

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