Grab Seven Years’ War Russian Grenadiers From Claymore

February 26, 2024 by brennon

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Claymore Castings has a whole bunch of new Seven Years' War miniatures for you to add to your collection. This time, it's the Russians and their Grenadiers getting added into the mix. Command options, regular Grenadiers and some special miniatures are also in the mix.

Russian Grenadier Command - Claymore Castings

Russian Grenadier Command // Claymore Castings

The first couple of sets you can get your hands on are for the Command element of your Grenadier force. They are spread across two different sets, sculpted by Nick Collier and packed with plenty of detail.

As well as the Command options, you've also got one set of Russian Grenadiers with their rifles up, marching into the gunpowder smoke on the battlefield. I think their absolutely glorious facial hair has to be noted and if that's not painted gloriously then I think you're missing a trick!

Russian Grenadiers - Claymore Castings

Russian Grenadiers // Claymore Castings

Last but not least, there is also this character set which comes with some fellows who are going to be great for slotting into your larger regiments to add some drama to the affair.

Russian Grenadiers Character Pack - Claymore Castings

Russian Grenadiers Character Pack // Claymore Castings

You've got a couple of wounded fellows and another who is a little worried that his mates might have taken a shot or two. You could slot these in throughout a couple of units as part of the front rank to show off those poor soldiers who are getting taken out. This gives you a pretty good set of core troops to use as your grenadiers. Get a couple of packs and away you go!

What do you make of these Russian Grenadiers?

"The first couple of sets you can get your hands on are for the Command element of your Grenadier force..."

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