Spellcrow Go Hunting With New Crossbow Wielding Dyniaq

November 5, 2019 by brennon

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Spellcrow has been showing off a newcomer to their Dyniaq range which is becoming more and more tempting by the day. Here we have a Dyniaq With Crossbow, another pumpkin-headed hunter who is looking to head out in search of adventure.

Dyniaq With Crossbow - Spellcrow

This new model is a great addition to a Fantasy collection which has been filled with fun pumpkin-based alternatives to your standard adventuring party. They have worked on Knights, Rangers, Spellcasters and more that you can pick up and use in your skirmish games or their own, Umbra Turris.

The team at Spellcrow do some inventive stuff and it would be good to go over and support them by taking a deeper dive into their range.

What do you make of this behatted hunter?

"What do you make of this behatted hunter?"

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