Sword & Board Games Hire A Mighty Highguard Ogre

September 16, 2015 by brennon

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Sword & Board Games have another render to add to their growing collection as work on the range of miniatures expands. This time around they are getting into their heavy armour alongside the Highguard Ogre...

Highguard Ogre (Close-Up)

Highguard Ogre

As you can see he is quite a stocky fellow and his armour makes him look like a walking tank. I'm not overly sure on the way they've done his shoulder pads however. I would have potentially made them segmented so they allows him a bit more movement, especially for swinging that huge axe.

What do you think of the Ogre?

"As you can see he is quite a stocky fellow and his armour makes him look like a walking tank..."

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