Grab The Hundred Days Campaign For Black Powder Epic Battles

June 13, 2022 by brennon

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Warlord Games has opened up pre-orders for a new Campaign Supplement for Black Powder: Epic Battles. The Hundred Days campaign offers up a new set of scenarios for you to play in and around the period of Waterloo.

The Hundred Days Campaign - Black Powder Epic Battles

The Hundred Days Campaign // Black Powder Epic Battles

Authored by Adrian McWalter, this book contains eighteen new scenarios that cover The Hundred Days campaign before, during and after Waterloo. You can link all of your games together to play out a proper campaign, playing as the French, Prussians, English and other allied forces.

As a bonus, the supplement also comes with new units, rules, "what if?" scenarios, commanders and more. I do like the idea that the game opens up more and more options for those enjoying the Epic Battles range.

You can also pick up The Hundred Days Bundle which comes with all of those named characters and casualty markers that were previewed not long ago.

The Hundred Days Campaign Bundle - Black Powder Epic Battles

The Hundred Days Campaign Bundle // Black Powder Epic Battles

The Waterloo Campaign has really exploded with fun releases in a smaller scale. It will be interesting to see whether we see more for Black Powder Epic Battles or if Warlord shifts their focus soon to look at a different period of warfare.

Are you going to be picking up this supplement?

"It will be interesting to see whether we see more for Black Powder Epic Battles or if Warlord shifts their focus soon to look at a different period of warfare..."

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