Verrotwood: The Old West Folk Horror Rules Now Available

March 1, 2024 by brennon

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Mike Crutchett's Verrotwood: The Old West is now available, giving you another set of awesome Folk Horror rules for you to dive into and have fun with.

Verrotwood The Old West - Mike Crutchett MA

Verrotwood: The Old West // Mike Crutchett

Verrotwood: The Old West is a standalone expansion for Verrotwood that takes the Folk Horror of the original game and instead brings it to the American Southwest. So, if you weren't lured in by the Dark Fantasy of Verrotwood, maybe this will draw you deeper!

Verrotwood The Old West Interior - Mike Crutchett MA

Verrotwood: The Old West - Interior // Mike Crutchett

The Old West follows a similar mechanical format to Verrotwood but with a few tweaks here and there to make it fit into the Wild West theme.

  • A simple yet robust D10 dice pool system that grows the more strategically you play
  • A very low model count. Each cult is made up of only four models
  • A flexible cult creation system that lets you make the cult you want
  • A focus on kitbashing
  • AI creatures and special terrain make every game you play unique
  • A fully solo mode
  • A versatile campaign where your cults will battle for power to please their sleeping gods

I like that the campaign mode is still there alongside the addition of the solo mode which will make it fun for a lot of folks to try out. The game continues to stick with the focus on kitbashing and making all manner of weird and wonderful miniatures for you to use in your games. I am intrigued to see what people do.

Will you be trying out Verrotwood: The Old West?

"Verrotwood: The Old West is a standalone expansion for Verrotwood..."

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