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Underhive Settlement and Raatz’ Nest Saloon

Underhive Settlement and Raatz’ Nest Saloon

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Paint progress on the smokestack/incinerator

Tutoring 1
Skill 9
Idea 5
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Paint progress on the smokestack/incinerator
Paint progress on the smokestack/incinerator
Paint progress on the smokestack/incinerator

So, I decided to post a few photos here of the smokestack in near finished condition ( I need to repair the cables/power lines as they decided to fall off in places). I am also going to at a firey plume of smoke from the top …more to come later

Paint progress on the smokestack/incinerator
Paint progress on the smokestack/incinerator

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Cult of Games Member

Very cool, the glow at the centre of the smoke cloud is a very nice effect.

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