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Stuffed Fables

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Skreela? Dont know her name

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 0
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I like this miniature.  She is a little bit spooky, but I don’t want to make her too spooky for my kids.  I try to make the color look sweet and light weight [Spoil Alert – See info below]

Skin Tone (Face Hands and Foot) – Scale75 Moonray Flesh Shadow with Glaze with Mix of Scale75 Decay Black and Scale75 Eldaldil Violet and Hilight with mix of Scale75 Purity White

Lips – Mix Scale75 Mooray Flesh and Scale75 Mayhem Red and Scale75 Purity White

Eyes – Scale75 Purity white and Eyes Shadow Thin Line with Glaze Black and Violet

Hair – This is terrible part for me.  First I tried to use NMM technique for reflection light. It turned bad because I don’t know where the reflection shold be.  Then, I decided to painted all in Black with Scale75 Negro Grey (Near Black Color) and Edge all with Scale75 Mishatonic Grey (Not in the picture), then wash with Black and Violet to smooth the color and create dept.

Dress – I used the Scale75 Resurrection Flesh and shaded the shadow with Glaze of mix of Black and Violet.  Hilight with mix of white. The color of Collar,  I used Scale75 Orchis Dermis and mixed of white for edge hilight.

Purple OSL – I use the Scale75 Eldadil Violet to Glaze on the right side of all part of model.


[Spoil Alert]

I found in the book that she can fly and can make things fly.

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