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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.

Tutoring 9
Skill 14
Idea 13

It must be obvious to any who actually play Burrows and Badgers that I have painted way too many Huge figures.  I can’t help myself really, they are such nice figures I just have to paint them.  At least I will be spoiled for choice once I actually do get to play the game. This guy has seen some action and swung that club for quite a few years.  I wanted him to look like a grizzled veteran who’s still looking for that last big score or maybe a cause worth fighting for.

Now I really need to make some Burrows to go with my Badgers…

Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.
Badger Mercenary Comes Looking For Work.

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Cult of Games Member

The darker shading on the armour really complements the weathered look already there due to the chinks and dents. A detail I really like of this miniature is that it only carries armour its the front, showing that it will never turn tail and run. So, basically: clearly a veteran who really does the job they’re being paid for.

Cult of Games Member

@brennon @avernos You need to give this guy a Platinum Button because gold is simply not good enough to describe how inspirational @144artist is for this community. Fantastic work and seeing his beautiful miniatures keeps everyone positive and sane during such turbulent times across the world. Please interview him on to XLBS sometime in the future to showcase not only the B&B painting but also the other projects on Mantic’s Dungeon and Terrain Accessories. Simply one of the best painters I have ever seen in 40 years of miniature painting. ???

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