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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Shrew Knight Errant

Tutoring 10
Skill 17
Idea 16
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I have to admit I am unsure of the effectiveness of a knight errant small enough to ride a beetle but his foes probably just give in to his immense adorable factor.  He is another that would look perfect with Lady Daisy so was painted in the gold and scarlet of my rebels.  The beetle was the perfect excuse to try out the Vallejo Colorshifting paints that I picked up a while back.  WOW! This stuff is amazing, literally changing color depending on how the light is hitting it.  I used the GreenBlueViolet over a gloss black base.  I had my doubts initially as the paint is a sickly, pale yellow and very thin but as soon as the first brushstroke was down all doubt vanished.

Shrew Knight Errant
Shrew Knight Errant
Shrew Knight Errant
Shrew Knight Errant
Shrew Knight Errant
He is a determined looking little fellow.He is a determined looking little fellow.

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