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That was an awfully big Marine

That was an awfully big Marine

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Blowing the dust off and getting my excuses in early

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11

This is Captain Artemis of the Deathwatch. He’s the old, old 54mm mini for Inquistior, rather than the 28mm released a couple of years ago. I’ve had him a long time, and our own Gerry/Avernos had him a long time before that. He’s challenged me to finish this as a spring clean challenge, so let’s do it!

Artemis is a cracking mini but never got finished I have a couple of excuses: I hated the base I put him on, and I was a bit intimidated painting anything on this scale. I’ll replace the base and … well just get on with it.

I never liked the 40mm base – it looked like he’d toppled over at the slightest provocation. I’ll put on a “GW” type base but I think at 60mm. It’ll hold up his bulk (he’s a big chonky boi as I believe the kids say) and it’s not a bad scaling up for the 32mm base his little brother uses.

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Cult of Games Member

I had this miniature before I sold it. I found it was very good, but the legs were a bit thin for the size of the miniature.

Nonetheless, I’d like to see what you do with it.

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