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Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

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Finnish'd yet?

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I like Nightwish and Hanoi Rocks, so I knew in my heart that a Finnish army was inevitable. This would be my first army where there wasn’t a box of plastics I could buy to form the core of the army of the peg, so to speak.

I shopped around and picked up support elements, some metal infantry from various sources (Warlord, MarDev, Parkfield). Did some homework one vehicles, found I had several sat in my model mountain. I also picked up some STL files of gear and a box of early war German plastics. I robbed some forager caps from my fallschirmjagers, found a couple of WW1 Wargames Atlantic helments, which fit the Finnish helmets. Swiped a couple of sprues from my unbuilt Russian horde for arms and weapons. And off I went.

I always stick a washer on my Bolt Action miniatures with a magnet in the hole, it's a pain ,but gives them a satisfying weight.I always stick a washer on my Bolt Action miniatures with a magnet in the hole, it's a pain ,but gives them a satisfying weight.
Finnish'd yet?
Finnish'd yet?
Finnish'd yet?

My Finns are still waiting to get painted, working my way through the Aussies and Gurkhas currently. However I did make a start on their tanks.

Finnish'd yet?

I decide to go with the 1943 camo scheme, which was applied in the field, meaning I could get away with a bit of roughness

I used masking tape cut into jagged strips, then painted the brown colour on the exposed areas, having done that I added more masking tape then painted the green. I still haven’t got round to the weathering and decals, but that won’t take long. I’ll include a picture of the finished article when I start painting the whole army

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