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Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

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Spring Clean Challenge 2023

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I decided to tackle my mountain of unbuilt and unpainted vehicles for Bolt Action. I find vehicles a bit daunting.Which is daft as all my completed ones look fine.

Spring Clean Challenge 2023

Also pictured are a couple of Finnish Pak 40’s and an SS howitzer which was a swine to assemble as there are no instructions anywhere!

I decided to start with the Allied forces I decided to start with the Allied forces

Having primed the allies with Army Painter Army Green, I then went over the bodies with a base coat of Olive Drab from Vallejo. Next step was to add decals. I realised doing all the decals in one go would lead to me being sat in a corner rocking and making meeping sounds. So I elected to work on four models at a time. I went a bit rule of cool with a bit of research with the decals. Avert your eyes rivet counters.

Spring Clean Challenge 2023

The first four tanks are nearing completion.I just need to add rust , dust and a bit of mud. I won’t go mad on the allied stuff , but the Soviets will be a little worse for wear .

I use a range of products: Vallejo pigment powders, rust effects paint, AK and Citadel mud paint, dirty down rust, maybe some chipping medium. Not all on the same tank though . Might even stick some snow on the Finnish ones.

A productive weekend A productive weekend

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