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Saga "The Old Worldish"

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Day 3, Part 2... Those poor Villagers.

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
No Comments

So, Goal 1 of the day completed. Update on yesterday’s progress uploaded to the project system. I even included a list of the paints used, which is one of the valuable aspects of the Project System, I think.

I have tried to keep track of what paints I have used on models before, but these inevitably get misplaced, destroyed, paint on them or I disagree with them. Recording them here gives me a handy list to go back to and one which I hope to keep up.

Oh, if anyone has read the previous entries where I shut down the Xbox and say, “Those villagers will have to look after themselves” and is wondering if those villagers could indeed look after themselves. The short answer is no. No, they couldn’t. They rather spectacularly failed to look after themselves.

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