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Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

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Modeling Crusader Era Flags

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Modeling Crusader Era Flags

After quickly painting up the Crusader Cogs, I decided I wanted to experiment with making Crusader Era flags.

I tend to bootstrap these projects when I can and in this case I din’t have the spare cash or time to order off the shelf 15mm flags (some of which are excellent btw!)

So I had a brainwave… I use and experiment with AI quite a lot in my spare time, and ChatGPT had just started becoming multimodal so it could not only reply in text but also use the DALL-E3 engine to render images.

Could I work with my AI pal to create some flag designs?

Modeling Crusader Era Flags

I think the answer was a resounding yes if you read the dialogue above. (Yes I do indeed say please and thank you to AI… as you never know!)

Anyway, I sent the corresponding designs to my printer and set to work to try and create posable flags using copper tape as a mettalic core to the flag to give it poseability.

Modeling Crusader Era Flags
Modeling Crusader Era Flags

Then the same process repeated for Saracen Flags and Banners

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