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Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

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Foam is Fine without texture!

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Foam is Fine without texture!

By this stage of the project I had really come round to the look of the foam painted without adding additional texture, and in future projects Im very much going to explore this further by adopting a subtractive approace and carving texture into the foam rather than trying an additive approach of sticking stuff on. (Except perhaps static grass etc)

So I added little bits of foliage to the scrapes and gouges I had perviously planned to fill with rubble texture. This served to break up the uniformity of the ground, and indeed bring it more in line with the general levels of foliage you would see in that part of the world.

Foam is Fine without texture!

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