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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Klingons all dress the same

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I decided to use the old black primer –> drybrush –> speedpaint –> highlights technique for the Klingons, since there isn’t much variation between their mostly grey uniforms. I tried to add a little variation with their skin and hair color, and of course the Duras Sisters and their annoying nephew Toral all wear red collars and sleeves (although, weirdly they changed to green in the second part of the two-episode story that introduces them).

I’m quite pleased with the way these came out, given the short amount of time I spent on them. I think Gowron’s likeness is particularly good.

2024 models painted so far: 38

I’ve still got the two Original Series sets to do, which feature all Federation characters so they should be fun and colorful, although I do want to try to make them look distinct from the Next Generation characters. I might take a break and work on some other stuff before I get back to them. I’ve got a ton of other stuff waiting in the wings: more ShatterpointGangs of Rome, Savage Core, Test of Honour, a few others, and the big one: Mythic Battles Ragnarok, clocking in at 109 miniatures plus a bunch of terrain pieces. Hmmm, maybe I should finish up the Star Trek characters first…

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