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Firestorm STALINGRAD  campaign

Firestorm STALINGRAD campaign

Supported by (Turn Off)

Project Blog by tacticalgenius Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 23

About the Project

This is a flames of war Firestorm STALINGRAD campaign. First up, I got a copy of the firestorm Stalingrad campaign kit by battlefront from my friendly local gaming store, Fandom II;(located in ottawa, ontario,canada ). Next up, I created 2 email accounts for both sides and grouped the interested people at my local club,Ottawa Miniature Gamers ( OMG )( Check us out on facebook). After sending out a general email to spread the word and get the contact information and preference and who can supply terrain. Next up was getting the forces from Forces of War and opening 2 accounts, one for Soviets and Germans so order of battles would remain as secret. Next up is assign the overall commanders.

This Project is Active

The Reich strikes out , Next batter up...Uncle Joe

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The german attack is foiled. Attacks peter out against stiff Soviet resistance.


The Soviet then launch counter attacks to close the ring around Stalingrad.


New attacks aim to put the noose around the Germans in stalingrad.

At the start of the attackAt the start of the attack
After the battle still to be played but the Soviets cut off the germansAfter the battle still to be played but the Soviets cut off the germans

The Reich Strikes Back

Tutoring 1
Skill 0
Idea 1
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The Soviet High Command orders the Stalingrad pocket encircled and  62nd Army under General Chuikov attacks German units to the south of Stalingrad.  German commanders Hoth and Von Manstein attack from the south to the north into areas just captured by the Soviets or initial staging grounds.   Orders are being received by both sides forces respectively and as a result, a gigantic clash of titanic proportions is about to be staged.


Can the Soviets encircle Von Paulus and his 6th Army in Stalingrad ?

Can Von Manstein make the Soviets pay for their attacks with his cunning and clever tactics ?

Will Hoth become a footnote in history only to be resurrected in a famous movie many years later the scene of another glorious Empire victory ?

Stay tuned for these answers and more in the next installment of Firestorm Stalingrad.





Operation Uranus is over, Soviet make substantial gains but suffer strategic setback

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Moscow reports that Soviet forces attacked Fascist invaders around Stalingrad and cut off German forces fighting brave defenders at Stalingrad. Gains all along the front are certain to lead to victory in short order.  Onward all patriotic Soviets.

Meanwhile, Berlin reports that Soviet attacks were repulsed and German forces maintain their links to the comrades in arms in Stalingrad. Fighting in the city continues but German forces steadily advance to encircle the remaining forces and achieve total victory.




The Soviets attacked on a broad front, the Germans responded as best as they could. The results are as follows

Battle #1 Soviet attack area 5 to area 9 – Soviet Victory , territory captured German 9
Battle #2 Soviets defend area 5 from area 8 – Soviet Victory , roll for capturing German area 8 , Roll was 3, Territory not captured
Battle #3 Soviet attack area 6 to area 12 – German Victory , roll for capturing Soviet area 6 , Roll was 4, Territory WAS Captured
Battle #4 Soviet defend area 3 from area 7 -German Victory, territory remains German 7

Battle #5 Soviet attack area 4 to area 8 – Soviet Victory , territory captured is German 8

The map shows the position before any battles are assigned for turn 2. Stalingrad was almost cut off, the soviet loss allowed the germans to capture the soviet staging area and kept Stalingrad linked to the german supply lines.

Turn 2 positions Pre battle arrowsTurn 2 positions Pre battle arrows
Operation Uranus is over, Soviet make substantial gains but suffer strategic setback

The attacks begin.......... CAMPAIGN NARRATIVE

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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The campaign begins.  With a thunder of artillery, the Soviets launch Operation Uranus to dislodge the Germans who have reached Stalingrad and are engaged with the Soviet defenders.

Soviet attacks are Red Arrows, German Attacks are Black Arrows, Battles are number 1 – 5.

The Soviets got the first attack, trying to surround the Germans in Stalingrad and the Northern Pincer strikes, the Germans counterattacked, then the Soviets Southern Pincer strikes to get the German rear areas. Germans in the North attack a Soviet area while the Soviets, for the final attack, attack the German counter-attack of the Northern Pincer.


Any additional battles will be fought in Stalingrad…..

The attacks begin.......... CAMPAIGN NARRATIVE

The Grain Elevator

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This was made years ago, foamcard for the top and side, the silo’s are Pringle’s cans.

The Tiger and infantry stand are 15mm and for scale ( no Tigers at Stalingrad, thanks to Oriskany for providing additional information on the Panzer Units at Stalingrad ) . I am not sure if i will add battle damage to this structure. I most likely will change the top to troops could not be stationed there, but the side, that may make a great place for snipers.

I have some JR miniature buildings that will also be used, i will have photo’s of the battlefield once we have our First campaign day.

Factories for Stalingrad, part 2

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
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Some additional photos

Factories for Stalingrad

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Skill 1
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In order to have some terrain, i took some old buildings i had made and decided to make them Stalingrad factories, in other words, destroy them. One has not been touched, the dark one, so you can see what it’s like before anything happens. The second one i have started to ‘cut’ it so it’s got damage.  I added some bullet,cannon holes which will make the building look like it’s been the brunt of battling. Next up is the interior, stay tuned.

Naming the Names

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 3
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In keeping with the sides, i have given appropriate names to all the players. During the course of the game, depending on their success or lack of it, they may receive telegrams from Wolfsschanze  or Stavka  indicating words s of congratulations or requests to return to Berlin/Moscow for debriefing.
1st in Command Soviets – Jay =   Yasha  Maxim
2nd in Command Soviets – Serge =   Sergei   Voronoff
Duncan A =      Alexie  Azarov
Duncan M  =  Markov  Muravyov
Stan   = Stanislav   Stasya  Matveyev
John     = Vanya  Zhdanov
Ted    = Fedor   Konovalov
1st in command Germans  – Brian    = Bohm Hoch
2nd in command Germans – Jeff     = Gottfried  Mayer
3rd in command Germnas -Martin  =    Martin  Rust
Gary   = Gero  Gervas
Mike   = Michel  Alexander
Nick  = Niklas Steffen
Francis  =  Franz  Rothstein

future plans after stalingrad

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 4
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we plan to run this campaign playing flames of war, bolt action and battleground. the final game will be at ottawa’s yearly game convention , Cangames.


after that, and a few months rest, and if the Firestorm Kursk is out, plan on playing that.  We’ve done Bagration twice but I may see if I can gather enough support to do a Berlin firestorm (I am also slowly working on a Scheldt – Walchern firestorm  along the line of a firestorm Market  Garden).


Required reading

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 4
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Reading some books to refresh my background  on Stalingrad


Anthony Beevor   – Stalingrad

William Craig – Enemy at the Gates

Earl F. Ziemke – Stalingrad to Berlin  – – – The German defeat in the east

????? – Voices from Stalingrad

Movies to watch


Stalingrad – German film

Enemy at the Gates – Ed Harris sniper film