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Flames of War – British [Slow Grow League]

Flames of War – British [Slow Grow League]

Supported by (Turn Off)

Project Blog by mbbelius Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 66

About the Project

My project for the Flames of War hobby league.

This Project is Active

Hobby Day!!!

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

Well, the boss is spending the day shopping with her sisters and the WiFi is fully charged for the kids so its time to break out some Brits and get this force to 100pts!!

I’ve now played a few games and have a much better understanding of the mechanics and more importantly how Formations are key to the game (IMHO).

On that basis and to get to 100pts I’ve taken a few decisions. First and foremost to bulk out my existing Platoons so that they can a tad more punishment before having to take tests.

Also with the main British D-Day force not coming in until Feb 2020 I didnt really want to buy any more models until the full book is released.


British - Planned 100ptsBritish - Planned 100pts

So from the picture above you’ll see where I’m currently at. I’ve also decided to go full Tank Formation and not split into infantry. So for today’s builds I’ve got the following to do:

Build an additional Sherman for each of the Platoons to take them to 4.

Build 4 M10’s to add is as a Support Platoon – Having played against these they can be devastating but can’t take punishment back so placement is key.

Build 4 25pdrs to add is as a Support Platoon – I’ve decided to go with these rather than something like the Priests as they have a straight 4+ save

Hobby Day!!!

So that comes in at exactly 100pts – I’m thinking that at some point I’d like to add in an Observer Sherman at 1pt but want to play a few games with the above first to see if needed.

Well – lets get on with some building!!!!

Hobby Day!!!

Slight change of tack as I’ve only 2 unbuilt Shermans to add in 🙁

So I’ve bulked out the HQ and 1 Platoon of Shermans, which left me 4 points to play with so I’ve added into the Formation a Platoon of Universal Carriers. I’ve then added as a further support option a Platoon of Daimlers. These are a very useful little Platoon as they can extend your deployment zone with a bublle of 8″ around them with the Spearhead rule.

Now on to building the 4 25pdrs 🙂

Hobby Day!!!

Well that’s 4 25pdrs built. Great models and really easy to put together.

Time for a break and then on to 4 M10s 🙂

Hobby Day!!!

And that’s a rap 🙂

That’s 100pts in the bag. From a painting perspective there’s:

3 x Churchills – Add in wash and then decal, highlight and pick out details.

Daimler Platoon – As above.

4 x 25pdrs – Prime and then basecoat and then the above

4 x M10s – As above

I’ll get the primer and basecoats on these tomorrow which then means I can take any unit I want to paint up when I get time 🙂

Hobby Day!!!

50pts done!!

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4

Well, it took a tad longer than planned (family holiday etc) but I’ve now completed and painted the starter 50pts set.

What I had left to do today (whilst watching all the awesome livestreams) was 3 universal carriers and an infantry unit. I’d put the infantry off until last as being an old bugger the eyesight isn’t want it used to be but I have say pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it might be.

Here’s how things progressed over the day:

50pts done!!
50pts done!!

And here’s the full 50pts so far:

First Game of 4th Ed - 50pts

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 6

So myself and Noyjatat have been beavering away on the 50pts lists and finally managed to get a spare night to get the armies on the table.

As luck would have it a friend at our local gaming club was getting rid of a whole load of 15mm scenery. From the looks of it this was model railway scenery but after putting it on the table, for us it fitted right in at 15mm.


I think I’d like to matt the scenery down and add some weathering to it just to remove the “plastic” look that it has.

Because we were playing 50pts we felt that a 3ft x 3ft table would have been sufficient. After the game had finished we both agreed that even at that points level a larger table would have been better.


We both had a blast and it was a great game to start learning the rules, even though I think we got a few wrong 🙂

Next step is to start getting some paint on the infantry.


Sherman HQ Platoon - Painted!!

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment

Well!! I had a few spare hours over the last couple of weekends so have put that time to good use by cracking on with my British 50pt list for the slow grow league that myself and @noyjatat are taking part in.

Here’s where I’d got to last time I posted:

Sherman HQ Platoon - Painted!!

I’d always wanted to bring a 7th Armoured Division (Normandy) army to the table so to get the transfers off the sheet and onto the tanks was a lovely experience and going through the Colours of War book from Battlefront – this gave me pretty much all the info I need to be confident in what I was doing.

I would also highly recommend this colour wash from Vallejo as it really adds depth to the model:

Sherman HQ Platoon - Painted!!

So here’s where I ended up. The models do look a little shiny in some of the pictures as the matt varnish that I had applied was still drying. I loved painting these little tanks – so much fun!

Battle box unboxed

Tutoring 2
Skill 8
Idea 9

Well received the British battle box from OTT and have started to build up the initial 50pts. I already had some metal shermans and fireflys so will be using these to bulk up my force.

Next step will be to put a motor platoon together.