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Team Yankee V2 you say….

Team Yankee V2 you say….

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Project Blog by wolfch Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 415

About the Project

I had the chance to be at the Team Yankee Bootcamp. now that V2 comes and that I feel like I haven't done enough for that game. So here is an upgrade!

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Long time no see

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Getting back to get some traction on the wargaming front!

Here are 3 of the 6 black and white T 64 from nearly two years ago 😉

Long time no see

Putting stuff together, myself included

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1

I know it makes months! but I heard your cries @panzerkaput @sundancer

I finally resumed working on my miniatures now that I feel like doing it again, it has been very hard for me since start of November on the private side.

But now I been putting stuff together and started to browse my army books and dream again!

Without further due here are the pictures

Those have been put togheter the last few days to Those have been put togheter the last few days to "clear up" the box
And those seem to be ripe to go say hello to the airbrush the the painting table ;)And those seem to be ripe to go say hello to the airbrush the the painting table ;)

Yankee Familee

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5

Tadadada…. tadadada…

there we go, a couple of pictures of the whole shazzam!

Quite happy to have them all done, I would say that yeah I did do 3 more tanks than planned, and 2 more Cobras, and 2 wonderfully minigun carrying M113s… but here is the Yankee Familee

Yankee Familee
Yankee Familee

Badger, badger, badger

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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A snake, a snake
Snaaake! A snaaaake
Oooh, it’s a snake

Nope it’s 4 of them 😀

Without due the pictures and after that the step by step reference for the painting.

Badger, badger, badger
Badger, badger, badger
Badger, badger, badger
Well... it's not cause snakes don't have arses that there should be no Lloyd shot ;)Well... it's not cause snakes don't have arses that there should be no Lloyd shot ;)

Black undercoat senith highlight

Vallejo889 Olive Brown base coat

GW Nuln oil in panels

Vallejo889 Olive Brown dry brush

Vallejo889 Olive Brown + Vallejo Dark Sand 847 3/1

Vallejo889 Olive Brown + Vallejo Dark Sand 847 2/1

GW Chaos black on rotor blades

GW Lead bleacher on metal parts (rotors, turbine exhauste, rocket pads grid and circle at the front, gun)

GW Nuln oil

canopy : Vallejo Luftwaffe Uniform 816 + highlight Vallejo Sky Blue 961

TOW marking : GW Averland Sunset

Blade tips: GW Averland Sunset base coat then GW Yriel Yellow (first tried Vallejo 9§5 Deep yellow but it was off…. kinda milkish yellow)

Top light: Vallejo 930 Dark blue then shade with GW Nul Oil

Overall gloss varnish

Decals + micro sol

gloss varnish on the decals

Pigments Mig production Black smoke P023 and Europe Dust P028

Matt Varnish with the airbrush

More Abrams!

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 5

And here they are, the 4th tanks for my 3 platoons, which will make the Abrams company complete with its 14 tanks. No I didn’t need it in my 100 points army list…. but I felt like I should none the less.

Just means that next time I’ll go “I need more Abrams for team Yankee” it’ll just mean a new company 😉

Now now…. what will be next

More Abrams!
More Abrams!
More Abrams!

Not Planned....

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 7
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But oh well…. Those two M163 were looking at me all lost and lonely on the shelve, so instead to just put them back in the transport case I decided to paint them. Also I kinda didn’t have one paint for the Cobras…. so well I had to make do. That’ll do more options for my Team Yankee US Army

Not Planned....
Not Planned....

All the tanks!

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 7
No Comments

There we go, the last part of the US army list. 5 more Abrams! HQ Included. painted exactly the same way as the previous but without due here are the pictures.

All the tanks!
All the tanks!
They got a GREAT ASS!They got a GREAT ASS!
All the tanks!

Armored reinforcement Finaly

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Hello Lads and Ladettes!

Here are finally some M1 Abrams, some were put together during the BOW TY Bootcamp, god that makes a few years ago… anyway here they are!

Guide after the pictures


Armored reinforcement Finaly
Armored reinforcement Finaly
What a Glorious view for a CommanderWhat a Glorious view for a Commander

Base color:
Mig Jimenez A.MIG- 206 FS 34079
Apply through the airbrush as is, do not dilute it. I diluted it too much on the M113 and they ended up shiny….

spot vash with GW Nuln oil
Drybrush (light and only on wheels and radiator) Mig Jimenez A.MIG- 206 FS 34079
then Mig Jimenez A.MIG- 206 FS 34079 correction with detail paint brush

moderate drybrush of Vallejo Medium Olive 850
Light dry brush of Vallejo German Camo Bright Green 833 on the edges

Vallejo 950 Black on tracks
Vallejo 995 German Grey on track pads + front mud guards

Vallejo 863 Gun Metal for the side of the tracks + MGs

Vallejo 995 + Vallejo London Grey 50/50 mix and highlights on mud guards

Overall gloss varnish

Decals witn Micro SOL

Gloss varnish on decals

Battle Damage Sponge german grey

Pigments Mig production Black smoke P023 and Europe Dust P028

Matt Varnish with the airbrush (Mig Jimenez A.MIG2050)


Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 10
No Comments

Well despite my grand plan of working a lot on those during my holidays it kinda…. didn’t really happen.


Anyhow! here is the scout platoon and the ITV platoon that are done!

The first batch of six Abrams are also nearly done and I hope to do an update this week for those too, without any delay here are the pictures!

I know it's shaddy and low quality.... but it could so look like a picture from the 1980sI know it's shaddy and low quality.... but it could so look like a picture from the 1980s

How to paint those….


Mig Jimenez A.MIG- 206 FS 34079
Apply through the airbrush as is, do not dilute it. I diluted it too much on the M113 and they ended up shiny….


Vallejo 873 Us field Drab


Vallejo 847 Dark Sand


Vallejo 950 Black

Source for the pattern:

Vallejo 995 German Grey on skirts(M113), tools and the lenses on the M901

Vallejo 863 Gun Metal for the side of the tracks + tools

overall drybrush Vallejo 847 Dark Sand

Overall gloss varnish

Battle Damage Sponge german grey + dots in metal (Bolt gun Metal) and rusted metal (Runelord Brass or Warplock Bronze)

Pigments Mig production Black smoke P023 and Europe Dust P028

Matt Varnish with the airbrush (Mig Jimenez yes not the same MIG I Know Lucky Matt Varnish)

Hello Holidays!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Can’t believe it’s been so long since I updated this projet.

Well… 3 forces are done, one force and my actual first Team Yankee force remains…. the Americans. I started my holidays today and here they are

Hello Holidays!

Already undercoated black 3 more Abrams, will pre highlight them this afternoon and base color them tomorrow morning.

Might base color the 3 M901  later today.

As for the Abrams one question remains….. MERDC or Foliage green…. tempted to go Foliage green for historcal accuracy but also currently a bit worried about the time required for MERDC, it also means that potentially I could do a second company of Abrams in MERDC in the futur if I want to expend that army (very likely), anyway comment if you got an opinion on the matter 🙂

Soviet Tank Battallion ahead

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
1 Comment

And they got Hinds… behind (sorry I still haven’t gotten over it from the bootcamp :P)

THis is a bit of a omage to one of my opponent from the Bootcamp @oriskani Who I met on the field of battle with his Russians and my Proud US Tank Company (who are still not painted… but it’s the next army).

Without due the picture of the addition first!


Soviet Tank Battallion ahead
Soviet Tank Battallion ahead

Damn it no Lloyd shot! oh well, the Russians win or die but do not retreat. (lame excuse I know)

And the whole 100 pts force

Soviet Tank Battallion ahead

Also here are the steps 🙂

I must say that due to a spirit that was a bit “I just want to get it done” I did not take a picture for each step 😉  But considering that I have already ideas for what will come next…. if there are comments on it, I might do a step by step tutorial with pictures of each step.


Base coat AK4134 Green Khaki (airbrush)

Black wash

AK4134 Green Khaki (drybrush)

80 % AK4134 Green Khaki 20% Vallejo Iraqui Sand 819 (drybrush)

Gun mantelet + barrel holders in Green Brown 879
50/50 Brown/water wash


base Vallejo US Drab 873

Bolt Gun Metal Dry Brush

Black Wash

German Grey base

Bolt Gun Metal Dry Brush

Black Wash

Rubber side Skirts : Black Grey 862

Black Grey 862 + Iraqui Sand 819 50/50 (drybrush/Stippling)

gloss varnish


gloss varnish (paintbrush)

Black wash in the slides between the plates

Battle Damage Sponge german grey + dots in metal (Bolt gun Metal) and rusted metal (Runelord Brass or Warplock Bronze)

Pigments  Mig production Black smoke P023 and Europe Dust P028

Matt Varnish with the airbrush (Mig Jimenez yes not the same MIG I Know Lucky Matt Varnish)

Gerries are there, less hairy or Beardy than ours

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9
No Comments

So I was bad I didn’t really do any during the work update.


But I finished my 3 Leopards 2 and my Tw…. I mean three Jaguar , I couldn’t leave the last one out, especially as it would have left a box on the shelves and a unit incomplete.

So here are the new boys!

Gerries are there, less hairy or Beardy than ours

Here is the whole army (and the tiny addition that I couldn’t leave out)

Gerries are there, less hairy or Beardy than ours

Also if you want the guide, here it is. the base of it is the Nato color set from  AMIG7114 also the Mig Europe Dust and Mig Black smoke 



Black undercoat (spray)
white pre highlight (spray)

base coat Mig Jimenez A.MIG-084 airbrush

Black camo Mig Jimenez A.MIG-046 airbrush

Brown camo Mig Jimenez A.MIG-085 airbrush

Tracks base vallejo German Medium Camo Brown 826 + dash of Iraqui Sand 819 10/2

track bits 862 Black Grey

Dry brush 819 Iraqi Sand over all to define model details

887 Brown Violet for MG ammo box + flexible sleeve behind gun mantlet

862 Black Grey for smoke launchers

GW Leadbleacher + nuln oil for metal parts

for the wood
Chocolate brown 872
flat earth 983 highlights

Gloss varnish


Gloss Varnish

pin wash in Nuln Oil

Mig Europe Dust and Mig Black smoke 

Matt Varnish


DONE! when you think about it it’s fairly straight forward and you can do big numbers fairly quickly.


Next the Soviets! admitedly can’t wait

British army.... DONE!

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8
No Comments

Hello everyone,

Well I kinda lacked the post your progress steps on this one. admitedly I was working on my FOW project and also on this. And since I finished the Russians I been working that.

So without further due, here is the british reinforcement!

British army.... DONE!

And the family picture


Damn I just miss one Chieftain to complete a FULL squadron…

British army.... DONE!

And then I started hammering up the Soviets. Which I might have started to build when painting the British >P



British army.... DONE!

And Friday night while I was aibrushing those for the base coat Disaster stuck the Glorious soviet army. my AK 4134 Green Khaki ran out….

Reorder has been issued, and they are luckier that the WWII Russian I wanted to do for the other project who got no decals but the decals have been put on back order >D



I might have got distracted...

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Kinda recieved the new British book and the rules for World War III Team Yankee and a shiny box of a certain new tank squadron force… so of course I had to put the new models together, and god are they nice.

Proof in the shot below

I might have got distracted...

Last platoon is now together

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Hello Everyone!

So the last platoon has been assembled, stowage put on it, undercoated with a rattle can of Chaos Black and zenith of Corax white.

Next they shall meet the airbrush for their basecoat.

I know they’re not done but the photo boot was up so they got a propper photoshoot already

Last platoon is now together

Tanks for the tanks god

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 9
No Comments

So apparently the big box of doom is late…. never fear! I did get myself a regular box of Chieftain, which means I’ll be able to do the last Troop of Chieftains with Stillbrew armor, have an extra one to have a full HQ and keep the last one to do a Troop of regular Chieftain with the 2  that will be in the new box of doom.

Meaning that if I get an extra box of Chieftan at like… Salute…. I could do the HQ and another troop to have a second Squadron of those lovely tanks… DAMN you brain!

Tanks for the tanks god

Good start for the brits

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 12
No Comments


So I started to work on the brits, expending the 2  troops of 2 that I already have to 3tanks and adding a third 3  tanks platoon. Also worked on the Scorpion platoon.

Everything was undercoated black, zenigh highlighted with a rattlecan then base coated Team Yankee Chieftain Green 348 through an airbrush.

After that I used the magic Mig Masking Putty that Gerry showed me at the FOW Desert boot camp. and tadaaaa here is the result.

Still got to get the last platoon of 3 Chieftains from my orders on OTT store 😛

Good start for the brits


Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 14
No Comments

Project, take two…. FIGHT!

So we and I know were I shall go here is the scope.

the order is more or less in the order I want to do them, but I will follow the order in which the books will get out. But First the brit is sure, and having the russians up to be kicked at would be good then.


British Chieftain  Squadron.

All chieftains have still brew.

HQ 1 chieftain                 7 points

Troop of 3 chieftains    21 points

Troop of 3 chieftains    21 points

Troop of 3 chieftains    21 points

Troop of 3 chieftains    21 points

2 TOW Lynxes                 6 points

2 Scorpion Recce             2 points

for 99 points.

8 Chieftains to paints

2 Scorpions


T 72 Battallion

HQ 1 tank                  5 points

10 tank Company   47 points

9 tank Company     42 points

2 Hinds                      5 points

99 points

9 or 10 T72 to paint, can’t remember and haven’t noted it >P


Leopard 2 Kompanie

1 Leopard 2 HQ                 11 points

3 Leopards troop               33 points

2 Leopards troop               22 points

2 Leopards troop               22 points

2 PAH                                     8 points

2 Jaguar 1                              4 points

100 points

3 Leopard , 2 Jaguar to paint


M1 Abrams Company

Abram HQ 1 tank                 8 points

4 Abrams Troop                  32 points

4 Abrams Troop                  32 points

2 Abrams Troop                   16 points

2 Cobra                                    7 points

2 M901                                      3 points

M113 Scout platoon                2 points

100 points.

To paint? Every damn thing in this force >P

11 Abrams, 2 cobras, 3 M901 and one M103. I might start by the M113 just cause…

17 minis for the yanks and they got a hard camo scheme…. great

The ground is rumbling.... the british tracks are on their way...

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 12
No Comments

WWIII is coming back…. first book the british…


The ground is rumbling.... the british tracks are on their way...

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