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Death, Taxes and Spring Cleaning

Death, Taxes and Spring Cleaning

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Project Blog by guillotine Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 568

About the Project

Spring cleaning my Baron's War collection

This Project is Active

Project goals

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 14
No Comments

Inspired by the third Kickstarter for the Barons’ War range, I thought it’s now perfect time to spring clean my existing collection.

I’ve been painting these slowly since the first KS arrived, but left everything so far unbased as I thought to do them all at once and hadn’t come up with a basing scheme yet.

Goals for the project:

  1. Base the otherwise completed models. Given my current hobby time levels, I’m pretty happy with just this.
  2. Finish the built and primed models. This completes the first KS.
  3. Dive in to the 2nd KS set.



What's painted so far

Tutoring 9
Skill 16
Idea 11
1 Comment

Adding a quick gallery here of the painted stuff.

As I wrote in the first project entry, I’ve left bases undone to complete them en masse.

Basing ideas ?

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 14
No Comments

Step number one, got to decide the basing theme. For this I reached out to the excellent basing guide PDF that came along with the Terrain Tutor’s book.

For something like the Barons’ War, I don’t want to get too carried way with the basing. The geographical scope is clearly set and you can imagine on what kind of places they would have fought. So fields, grasslands, perhaps roads/path ways.

Few picks from the Terrain Tutor’s guide below. Hope it’s okay to use few pictures here. Buy the book here:

Great source of basing inspirationGreat source of basing inspiration
Screencap from the Terrain Essentials basing guideScreencap from the Terrain Essentials basing guide
Screencap from the Terrain Essentials basing guideScreencap from the Terrain Essentials basing guide
Screencap from the Terrain Essentials basing guideScreencap from the Terrain Essentials basing guide

Basing supplies and a test base

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 12
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I got the flocks out and made a test base. This is following Mel’s guide to the point.

Test mini is unrelated to the project.

I quite like the result, and it’s fairly quick to do. To get a bit of variety, I might do some of the bases with the pathways, some not. For the larger bases, for the knights, I’ll probably need few larger tufts and/flowers.

Paints and flocksPaints and flocks
Test baseTest base
Test base, different angle.Test base, different angle.

Bases are happening

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 12
No Comments
Getting colour on basesGetting colour on bases

I painted few bases to completion. In addition to the Fur Brown, I thought they needed another drybrush with the trusty German Camo Beige. Photo below.

Bases are happening


Tutoring 8
Skill 14
Idea 12
No Comments

Completed the basing for the bowmen.



Tutoring 6
Skill 14
Idea 12
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More Knights!

Tutoring 7
Skill 14
Idea 11
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More Knights!
More Knights!

William Marshal

Tutoring 9
Skill 16
Idea 14
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William Marshal
William Marshal

Knights on horseback

Tutoring 8
Skill 14
Idea 12
1 Comment
Knights on horseback
Knights on horseback
Knights on horseback

Foot Knight Command groups

Tutoring 7
Skill 15
Idea 13
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Foot Knight Command groups
Foot Knight Command groups
Foot Knight Command groups
Foot Knight Command groups
Foot Knight Command groups

Stephen Langton

Tutoring 13
Skill 14
Idea 14
1 Comment

Something completely new painted, not only basing work.I finished Stephen Langton on horseback.

Quite happy how this one turned out. Painting large areas of white is always a little daunting and then there’s the extra pressure of freehand work on top of it. Mistakes with red would’ve been costly.

The steps I used for the white:

  1. White zenithal highlight over black (using Liquitex white ink)
  2. Shading with Citadel Contrast Apothecary white. I didn’t use the normal “contrast method” of flooding the model, instead did more controlled shading. Contrast paints are nice for this too, and Apot. white has a nice tone.
  3. Gradual highlights with Vallejo Off White.
  4. Extreme highlights with pure white (Army Painter). This is mainly to edge the red crosses.



Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton

Robert Fitzwalter

Tutoring 8
Skill 13
Idea 12
No Comments

Another new paint job, and another nerve-racking colour scheme.

Robert FitzwalterRobert Fitzwalter
Robert FitzwalterRobert Fitzwalter
Robert Fitzwalter
Robert Fitzwalter

Hubert de Burgh

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 10
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Hubert de Burgh
Hubert de Burgh

Back to Barons' War

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

I’m back!

After a summer & fall hobby hiatus, I recently got back into painting. Starting off slow, here are few knights for Barons’ War.

Knights - Lloyd ShotKnights - Lloyd Shot


Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9

Waging more Barons’ War. A group of Knights.


Pikemen & billmen

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

Latest additions to my Barons’ War, Pikemen and Billmen.

Pikemen & billmen
Pikemen & billmen
Pikemen & billmen
Pikemen & billmen
Pikemen & billmen

A knight and a broken cart

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Cracking on with the weekend hobby.

I had one straggler foot knight I forgot to finish earlier and also based this broken cart.

I 3d printed the cart, it was part of the latest Barons’ War Kickstarter

A knight and a broken cart
A knight and a broken cart
A knight and a broken cart
A knight and a broken cart

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