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The Battle of Dorking

The Battle of Dorking

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Project Blog by denzien Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 182

About the Project

Not another project. This one I fell into by accident. I knew I wanted to do a what if battle involving an invasion of victorian Britain by some dasterdly foreign force. I've had the minis for awhile but slowly started tackling the collection.

This Project is Active

French infantry

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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French infantry
French infantry
French infantry
French infantry
French infantry

French artillery

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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French artillery
French artillery

French invasion

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments
The aftermath of the Franco-prussian war led to the battle of Dorking invasion scares but before Prussia was the bady it was a fear of imperial French invasion. I got the plastic perry miniatures at Christmas snd osinted one unit of marines and the rest as normal infantry. At Salute I got a couple of artillery pieces that I have since painted up. I could do the Franco-prussian war but I've also had thoughts of an early world war and more what ifs.The aftermath of the Franco-prussian war led to the battle of Dorking invasion scares but before Prussia was the bady it was a fear of imperial French invasion. I got the plastic perry miniatures at Christmas snd osinted one unit of marines and the rest as normal infantry. At Salute I got a couple of artillery pieces that I have since painted up. I could do the Franco-prussian war but I've also had thoughts of an early world war and more what ifs.

British grenadiers

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 3
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I can't have an invasion of Britain without an excuse to field some big bearskin hats. Who better to defend the outskirts of London I can't have an invasion of Britain without an excuse to field some big bearskin hats. Who better to defend the outskirts of London
British grenadiers
British grenadiers
British grenadiers

Prussian artillery

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I realised I'd stuck the crew seats on backwards because It's hard to see on the perry miniatures site how it all goes together I realised I'd stuck the crew seats on backwards because It's hard to see on the perry miniatures site how it all goes together
Prussian artillery
Prussian artillery

Prussian Dragoons

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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First cavalry unit. The dragoons have a lighter blue tunic than the infantry First cavalry unit. The dragoons have a lighter blue tunic than the infantry
Prussian Dragoons
Prussian Dragoons
Should we form square?Should we form square?
Prussian Dragoons

Prussisn jaegers

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Prussisn jaegers
Prussisn jaegers
Prussisn jaegers
Prussisn jaegers

The collection so far

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
No Comments
Two perry miniatures box sets has given me three units for each side which is a good starting point. Next I need some artillery and cavalry Two perry miniatures box sets has given me three units for each side which is a good starting point. Next I need some artillery and cavalry
The collection so far
The collection so far
The collection so far

Third unit complete

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
No Comments
I we t for the third head option of the older 1860s helmet which is more ornate I we t for the third head option of the older 1860s helmet which is more ornate

Second unit complete

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
No Comments
I did the second unit as landwehr fusiliers so I could use the shako heads and add variety. I did the second unit as landwehr fusiliers so I could use the shako heads and add variety.
Second unit complete
Second unit complete
Second unit complete

First Prussian unit complete

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments
First Prussian unit complete
First Prussian unit complete

The enemy

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The invading nation in the Battle of Dorking is never named but they speak German and have spikey helmets so or course I'm using Prussians. I have picked up the bismark mini from the giants in miniature range as a leader. I got a box of perry miniatures skirmishing prussisns to get three units of infantry. The invading nation in the Battle of Dorking is never named but they speak German and have spikey helmets so or course I'm using Prussians. I have picked up the bismark mini from the giants in miniature range as a leader. I got a box of perry miniatures skirmishing prussisns to get three units of infantry.

One perry box contents

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment
My three 12 man units create the core of my British force ready to defend an English country lane from the invaders My three 12 man units create the core of my British force ready to defend an English country lane from the invaders
One perry box contents
One perry box contents
One perry box contents
One perry box contents

Third unit complete

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments
To get away from the usual redcoats I've painted this unit in rifle green and removed the bayonets. I also used the injured model and made him a marksman To get away from the usual redcoats I've painted this unit in rifle green and removed the bayonets. I also used the injured model and made him a marksman
Third unit complete
Third unit complete

Second unit complete

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments
Second unit complete
Second unit complete
Second unit complete
Two down. For the third unit I'll do something different from the usual redcoats Two down. For the third unit I'll do something different from the usual redcoats

First unit complete

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
First unit complete
First unit complete
The perry box set allows you get three units of 12 for TMWWBK so you can get the bulk of a force very quickly. The perry box set allows you get three units of 12 for TMWWBK so you can get the bulk of a force very quickly.


Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
No Comments
The Battle of Dorking was written in the 1870s by army officer George Chesney. After the Franco Prussian war he felt Britain could fall to invasion just as easily as France. His tale was designed to be a wake up call to British complacency in relying too much on the navy. The book is written from the point of view of a militia soldier on the front lines as the unnamed enemy who speak German and wear spiky helmets stomp across the countryside. The navy are destroyed by some secret weapon that is never explained to get them out of the way. With E gland conquered its empire is lost. Shocking. I'm looking to use the men who would be kings to create two small forces from the time period with no steam punk just armies from the time. The perry box sets for the Franco prussisn war are perfect along side the home service head options on the Zulu war British The Battle of Dorking was written in the 1870s by army officer George Chesney. After the Franco Prussian war he felt Britain could fall to invasion just as easily as France. His tale was designed to be a wake up call to British complacency in relying too much on the navy. The book is written from the point of view of a militia soldier on the front lines as the unnamed enemy who speak German and wear spiky helmets stomp across the countryside. The navy are destroyed by some secret weapon that is never explained to get them out of the way. With E gland conquered its empire is lost. Shocking. I'm looking to use the men who would be kings to create two small forces from the time period with no steam punk just armies from the time. The perry box sets for the Franco prussisn war are perfect along side the home service head options on the Zulu war British
The perries had a big dorking table at partizan this year which was good inspiration The perries had a big dorking table at partizan this year which was good inspiration

Supported by (Turn Off)