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Kings  of War:Armada

Kings of War:Armada

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Project Blog by ewokkebab Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 18

About the Project

At Salute a couple of my friends picked up a bunch of Armada goodies. I managed to exert a modicum of self control and didn't jump into the fray. My impulse control lasted until Wednesday when I saw a Basilean starter fleet for £22 and the rules and counter set going for £10. The plan now is to build and paint a Basilean fleet over the weekend, mostly just to annoy my friends.

This Project is Active

All done.

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The fleet is assembled and based, I may go back and keep glazing the sails and picking out bits I missed at some point. But that’s a fleet ready to play. Just need to wait for the people who have lives to catch up.

All done.

Progress Update

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 2
No Comments

This is today’s progress, the white army painter rattlecan primer was predictably terrible. I might learn one day. I can’t stress enough, if you do pick up anything resin from Mantic, wash the very heck out of it.

One of my friends asked if I had decided on a faction, I said no,, but I am leaning towards Basilean.

In other news the Orc starter and booster fleets arrived, they are very cheap on Zatu at the time of writing

Progress Update

By the end of the weekend had got paint on almost everything.

I will more than likely wash everything with soft tone and then bring back the white bits.

I also plan to tone the buff I used on the sails down a bit to allow the insignia to pop a little more.

Progress Update

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