Alice Is Missing Silent RPG To Get Hollywood Movie Adaptation

July 6, 2022 by fcostin

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Last week, we showcased an RPG that would require players to game in silence. Allowing the story to unfold as all players remain active in group messaging. Alice is Missing - A Silent RPG is centred around Alice Briarwood, a young American schoolgirl who has disappeared.  Players take the role of those closest to her, to conspire by text from different locations hoping to find clues about her vanishing.

Alice Is Missing A Silent Roleplaing Game - Hunters Entertainment

Alice Is Missing A Silent Roleplaying Game // Hunters Entertainment & Renegade Game Studios

Like Exploding Kittens getting its own Netflix series, Alice Is Missing will be heading to Hollywood too. Paramount is set to pick a movie adaptation for the Hunters' Entertainment title. With not much released around when we can expect the title, we have been provided writers as Becca Gleason steps in alongside game designer, Spenser Starke to bring Alice Is Missing to the big screens.

It's wonderful hearing your different experiences of Alice is Missing! Although I love the idea of being hard ingrained into sitting in silence, compiling evidence against a friend's disappearance. This is the type of game I feel would benefit from remote play for me, as @blaeyn mentioned a great point about technology around the tabletop. I tend to switch off my phone when engrossed in gameplay. However, I don't think I can trust a few of my friends to stay in character over a long distance, without supervision and distracted by social media!

I presume the movie won't be in complete silence, and hopefully, we just won't be staring at a bunch of teenagers using their phones! What would you like to see from the upcoming movie?

"I presume the movie won't be in complete silence, and hopefully, we just won't be staring at a bunch of teenagers using their phones! "

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