Dragonbane Kickstarter Launches From Free League Publishing!

August 31, 2022 by brennon

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Drakar och Demoner/Dragonbane from the folks at Free League Publishing has now launched on Kickstarter and unsurprisingly, the campaign has exploded and is already funded quite substantially!

Dragonbane Kickstarter - Free League Publishing

Dragonbane Kickstarter // Free League Publishing

The campaign is focused on bringing a new edition of the 1982 classic to the tabletop for folks to dive into. You'll be able to pick up the Swedish roleplaying game in its native language but this is also the first chance for you to pick up the rules in English under the name, Dragonbane.

The main focus of the campaign is offering up the new boxed set for the game that honours the 1980s tradition. It will come with the Core Rulebook, an Introductory Scenario and more.

Dragonbane Boxed Set - Free League Publishing

Dragonbane Boxed Set // Free League Publishing

The more means pre-generated characters and an utterly beautiful map by Francesca Baerald. In addition to that, the Stretch Goals unlocked by backers have already added the custom cards, dice and standees that you see pictured above. This really makes this a proper labour of love and a great entry point for those seeking to get into Dragonbane.

Dragonbane Stretch Goals - Free League Publishing

Dragonbane Stretch Goals // Free League Publishing

I love that they are doing standees to represent the characters and monsters that you'll be facing. It offers up a great visual boost to the game on the tabletop and makes good use of Johan Egerkran's amazing artwork.

Dragonbane Quickstart Rules

It is also worth noting that Dragonbane has a set of Quickstart Rules if you're interested in giving the game a go before you pledge.

Dragonbane Quickstart - Free League Publishing

Dragonbane Quickstart Rules // Free League Publishing

The Dragonbane Rules will be familiar to those who have played games with a d20 and a set of polyhedral dice before but it has some fun twists here and there to make it original. The use of Conditions to affect your character and the ability to "push" your rolls helps to mitigate some of the binary pass/fail elements of games like Dungeons & Dragons.

You also have a neat system for casting spells that feels very "old school" in a pleasing way and ways to use Willpower on characters to use some of their special abilities. And yes, the Quickstart allows you to play as the Duck-based Mallard race and the Wolfkin!

I think if you're looking for another solid Fantasy roleplaying game, this might be worth keeping a close eye on.

Are you tempted by Dragonbane?

"And yes, the Quickstart allows you to play as the Duck-based Mallard race and the Wolfkin! "

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