Track Your RPG Questing With The Adventure Journal!

February 13, 2024 by brennon

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Fox & Hyde are currently on Kickstarter with a short but sweet campaign looking to fund the creation of Thaddeus Addlington's Adventure Journal. You can snap up this digital or physical journal to aid in your character development, adventure tracking and more.

Thaddeus Addlingtons Adventure Journal - Fox & Hyde

Thaddeus Addlington's Adventure Journal // Fox & Hyde

The Adventure Journal has been designed to be RPG agnostic so it's not tied to a particular system. That makes it good for 5th Edition D&D of course but also plenty of other games like The One Ring, Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play, Pathfinder and beyond. As mentioned, the journal is available digitally but will also be produced as an A5 booklet.

Thaddeus Addlingtons Adventure Journal Preview - Fox & Hyde

Thaddeus Addlington's Adventure Journal - Preview // Fox & Hyde

The journal will cover twenty-four pages with ten pages dedicated to character enrichment and fourteen to write your adventure log during your games. It's always good to have all of your notes in one place! You could do this with the PDF or get the old pen and pencil out and start scribbling.

In terms of helping to develop your character, the Adventure Journal will feature...

  • Character enrichment
  • Relationship tables
  • Lifetime goals
  • Activity trackers
  • Personal quests
  • Map building
  • Achievements
  • NPC recognition
  • Progression logs

I always like these kinds of booklets as they help to keep an eye on where your adventure is going and they don't clutter up your character sheet. The campaign is running for a further twelve days (as of the time of writing) so make sure to go and give it a look!

What do you make of this Adventure Journal?

"It's always good to have all of your notes in one place!"

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