The Wonderful & Colourful Characters Of Legendarion!

January 18, 2014 by brennon

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Legendarion have some frankly crazy and colourful miniatures on their website. It's not all Chibi-Primarchs you know! See what you think of these strange personalities...

Torham Fighter

Shiko Joker

Serdak Duelist

Kallira Assassin

Julian Scarecrow

Some of these are frankly insane, amazingly awesome, but insane. Take this final one above, Julian Scarecrow. He is freaky as anything and looks like he'd kill you simply by staring at you and waving his boney cloak about! But that's not all they have on offer...

Froo le Zoik, Gobelin Wanderer

Dark Hunter Grandmaster

Arthur de Tollendal

All their miniatures are funky and original looking with plenty of character oozing out of every pore. I have a sneaking suspicion that not all of these are new sculpts, but I don't know enough and their site is confusing enough as it is!! Either way I decided to show off the entire exotic menagerie to see what you thought.

Anika Vostroyan Komissar

Jeniffer Keell

Sinibi Gobelin Girl

Above you can also see that they couldn't quite shake their love of Warhammer 40,000 with a Vostroyan Komissar by the name of Anika. She is pretty bloody awesome though and would be great as an alternative leader for your force of furclad warriors of the grim dark future.

The real gems here though are their weird and wonderful new creations with a slant towards the manic. I think there is probably something for everyone here.

What do you think?

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