Secret Weapon Bring Power to the Far Future
March 1, 2012 by dracs
Secret Weapon have released a new Gothic Generator providing clean efficient power while looking dark and impressive as it does it.
This is absolutely perfect for an urban environment in games of Warhammer 40k. Maybe it would be a cool objective, got to protect it or else it could blow up and level the city.
Do you think this could be a useful bit of terrain for your games?
Nice looking kit. Would sit great with any 40k terrain, including the new quantum gothic generator. This piece acting as a capacitor or modulator.
That looks very nice.
Go Secret Weapon! This looks cool and has green rods 🙂
Cool! Looks like those upgrade dispenser things in the Space Marine video game 😛
You could use it as that actually. Just attach some weapons to them and it can become a special drop pod for rearming your squad with better weapons; something interesting to add to an Apocalypse game perhaps, or a Stratagem marker where there’s no need to roll for scatter, you just need to get to it, and then you have better weapons for the rest of the game 🙂
I meant attach weapons to the rods-maybe use some plasticard strips to fake some mag-clamps detail 🙂 Although, I don’t know at what scale this is compared to a 28mm tall mini, so maybe some weapons won’t fit on it. I’d give it a go though!
Aha it’s 3.5″ tall, so attaching weapons to it would work easily; and there’s a video too 🙂
Wow Secret Weapon is starting to do a lot of impressive stuff.
Thanks for the great compliments everyone — we have a lot more terrain coming too, including several expansions to the Gothic Terrain series.