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How To Paint The Silver Bayonet! Marcea Lupul Painting Tutorial | The Silver Bayonet Week

1 year ago 22

In this new painting tutorial, John shows you how to paint Marcea Lupul from The Silver Bayonet by Osprey Games. We'll show off how to paint up the big bad villain from The Carpathians: Castle Fier, the latest supplement for Joseph McCullough's Napoleonic Horror miniatures game.

Barbarian Miniature Painting Tutorial | Frostgrave

3 years ago 4

John steps outside his comfort zone to paint up a Fantasy/Historical piece miniature from North Star Military Figures, the Frostgrave Barbarian.

Mythic Battles: Ragnarok Fenrir Painting Tutorial


John shows off how to paint Fenrir from the new Mythic Battles: Ragnarok board game by Monolith Edition. Check out how he paints up the herald of Ragnarok itself.

Burrows & Badgers Miniature Painting Tutorial – Hare Warrior


A new wargaming miniature painting tutorial for today as John works on the Hare Warrior from Oathsworn Miniatures' Burrows & Badgers.

Wild West Exodus Miniature Painting Tutorial – Ghost Wolf


John picks out one of his favourite models from the Warrior Nation in Wild West Exodus by Warcradle Studios and gives Ghost Wolf a tabletop standard paint job. 

Gerry Can Show You How To Create Custom Animal Hides


Gerry takes us through some simple steps to make Hide Shields for your warriors to hide behind on the tabletop.

3 Colours Up: Painting Ragged Wolf Fur


Romain sits down in the Hobby Labs today to paint some ragged wolf fur.

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Gaarkhan & Chewbacca


We're back with more from Sorastro's Painting where he now shows us how to paint up the Wookies known as Gaarkhan and Chewbacca from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games.

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint The Nexu


On this May the 4th day we have another Painting Tutorial from Sorastro's Painting! In this episode he shows how to paint The Nexu from Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint A Chaos Warrior

10 years ago 15

With The End Times in full swing from Games Workshop it makes sense that you'll be wanting to paint up some Chaos Warriors for the forces of Archaon The Everchosen...

GW Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Thanquol & Boneripper Part One


Duncan Rhodes is back with another round of painting tutorials and this time he's looking at How to Paint the deadly Thanquol & Boneripper from the latest End Times Book! This first part focuses on flesh and fur!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Painting A Maggoth Lord #3


In part three of this tutorial from Games Workshop Duncan Rhodes takes you through painting the rider of this particular beast, Orghotts Daemonspew, from start to finish. There are loads of techniques here that will be applicable to a whole bunch of Chaos Warriors in your growing army...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Thunderwolves!


Duncan Rhodes has been chained to the painting desk once more to bring you a tutorial on painting Thunderwolves for your Space Wolf army in Warhammer 40,000...

Painting Colette Avatar of Deception – The Grand Finale


Time for the finishing touches on the fantastic Colette from Malifaux. Romain breaks out this skills to add the details to her hair, base and evil bunny. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and stay tuned for a new tutorial next week!

3 Colours Up Tips: Painting Wolf Fur


Our resident artist Romain is going to tackle a Dire Wolf from Otherworld Miniatures and he is going to focus in showing us how to paint the fur pattern.

Painting Bran Do Castro Part 2 of 5


Romain moves on to the next stage of painting his Nomad hero... Bran Do Castro.

Painting Bran Do Castro Part 1 of 5


Romain returns for a another full 3 Colours Up painting extravaganza! This time he'll be painting the fabulous Nomads character... Bran Do Castro... but in the style of the Monkey King!

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