Explore GameMat’s Pre-Painted Fallout Zone Terrain Set

August 7, 2019 by brennon

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GameMat.Eu has now released their next set of Pre-Painted terrain which would be great for your Sci-Fi games. See what you think of the Fallout Zone Set which comes ready to game with on the tabletop.

Fallout Zone Terrain #1 - GameMat Eu

This new set comes with all sorts of bombed-out ruins which would be great as line-of-sight blocking terrain as well as a place to get up high and snipe from. I could imagine a couple of Imperial Assassins watching down over the battlefield from those perches. You also have some scatter terrain in the form of those barricades and also that sludge-filled toxic tower which obviously needs some scenario-specific rules.

Fallout Zone Terrain #2 - GameMat Eu

Whilst this obviously works well for bigger battles set in the world of Warhammer 40,000 it would also be good for those playing skirmish games like Kill Team and the like. You don't just have to explore the grimdark future with this either as it would work for Fallout, Punkapocalyptic and all sorts of games where the far future is a bit worse for wear.

Fallout Zone Terrain #3 - GameMat Eu

The one thing I might do with this terrain when it comes to bringing it to the table though is add a little bit of vegetation and such around the bottoms of the buildings so that it blends more seamlessly into the mats I'd be using. That and maybe a few little incidental pieces dotted in and around the buildings to show that they were once lived in, something like the odd skeleton or two.

Now, this terrain being pre-painted, assembled and in resin does come at a bigger cost but if you were going to be buying the individual elements as Battlefield In A Box it probably wouldn't be far off what GameMat.Eu are asking.

 What do you think of the Fallout Zone terrain?

"...it would work for Fallout, Punkapocalyptic and all sorts of games where the far future is a bit worse for wear"

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