Get on board… join the Relics Demo Corps!

May 3, 2011 by beerogre

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If you like the Relics game and your interesting in helping it to grow, how about joining the burgeoning Relics Demo Corps?

What's the Demo Corp I hear you ask... well I'll let Tor gaming explain...

Now that we have released the rules in the 'alpha' state, we will be announcing our official demo program in the very near future.

We are at that time were we need the 'peoples' help to promote the game in person at shows/events, clubs, shops and by organising tournaments (maybe a little early for that but it's on the list anyway) etc.

None of this is done for free. As a reward for their efforts, those that join the ranks of the Kings own Demo Corp as a Demo Trooper have the chance to earn the much coveted 'Buttons' that all the Troopers of King Jorje hope to earn one day.

These can be exchanged for a whole host of 'goodies' including, but not restricted to, the full Relics range. There will also be 'Demo Corp limited editions' and all sorts of other cool 'stuff' that we (and you) can think of. Plus there will be a special Kings own Demo Corp section on the forum for you all to chat about the best ways to promote a game and what ever else you fancy. Plus it gives us a place to show you early concepts, sculpts and stuff before the rest of the world.

We are still working on the finer points (like getting the application form together....) but, for now, we would like you to think about joining and helping to spread the word of Relics to your local area.

If you are interested in joining the Kings own Demo Corp and becoming a Demo Trooper to help King Jorje realise his plan "to make the World Unglandan", in the first instance you can register your interest by emailing us . We will then email you the application form when it is complete.

If you're interested, why not head on over to the Tor Gaming website and sign up.

Just click the pic below and join the revolution!

BoW Andy

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