New Craftworlds Start Collecting Sets & Codex For Warhammer 40,000
October 21, 2017 by brennon
Games Workshop has now released their new bundles for the Aeldari Craftworlds, the next Xenos force to be added to the new edition of Warhammer 40,000.
The new Start Collecting force comes with the basis for a great Craftworld force, especially if you like the idea of focusing in on the Iyanden faction with their ghostly Wraithguard and Wraithlord.
As well that they have shown off their Made To Order collection. This focuses in on some of the older models in the range that would work as great characters to drop into your new force.
...and of course, the new Codex is available for you to snap up. The artwork on the front continues to show off the amazing artwork from Raymond Swanland.
If you'd like to know our thoughts on the Codex you can find out in our video...
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I think I will start an Craftworld army next year, looking for a nice theme force. I play Saim Hann on Epic, so perhaps I stay with Saim Hann…
Aeldari? Dafuq?
It’s exactly like Eldar, except GW can trademark it. I’d stick to Eldar if I were you.
They’ve done this to the Imperial Guard too.
Although for some reason they refer to space marines as space marines despite the official name bing ‘adeptus astartes’ …
And be glad you haven’t looked at ‘Age of Sigmar’.
They’ve gone crazy with the renaming of all factions, so no more orks, dwarves, elves, undead or [insert classic faction name] in that setting either.
@limburger Do you think that’s because they’re looking to make all those races more proprietary, and gradually changing their appearance to something more copyrightable? Are they moving away from high fantasy, which they now have trouble competing in? It seems there are a lot of companies out there these days producing better, cheaper high fantasy models than GW.
They dont necessarily even need to make their appearance “more copyrightable”. It’s already massively advantageous to start training up their customers to search for the new names online – that way the search results will only likely come up with GW products.
IMO most of renames that GW has given are overly silly and it’s even worse with AoS so I see nothing wrong with sticking with previous names instead.
Probably won’t get the codex as mine won’t see tabletime in the next year or more. Starter set is decent, one you could definately double or triple up on.
Print on demand somewhat deminishs the value of my sale pile, but it’s pretty cool it’s available.
there are re-releasing the Bone-Singer 🙂 He was impossible to get on ebay except for £££ or dodgy castings
So….the new stuff with the “Not-Eldar” Codex is…..lots of old stuff??? That´s somehow underwhelming…a lot!!!
It’s elves, it was underwhelming anyway 😀
There’s also new Aspect Warrior … dice!
Where are all the new plastic Aspect Warriors? I recall the Warp Spiders being the same models since I first looked at 40k in 1999. Those warp spiders are probably older than the time the 3rd edition Ork codex was in print. Gee Dubs, it’s time to change…a dirty diaper that leaks. I hope to see the Court of the Young King brought back with this codex. 8th got me back into 40k. I used to play Biel-Tan Eldar back in 2007-2008. If this is all Gee Dubs is going to do for the Eldar… I am glad I started… Read more »
Have the Aspect Warrior Finecast kits improved?
Last year I bought the Striking Scorpion set from an independent retailer – it took me hours to clean and fix the flash and bent weapons 🙁 It must be old stock? Right???
I know a lot of folks are looking forward to plastic Aspect Warriors, but I think it might be a bit of a stretch for Games Workshop, unfortunately. Their plastic sets which aren’t just basic troop choices tend toward giving you the option to build one of two or more different units. The distinct poses and armour of the various Aspects may make this difficult with the Aspect Warriors, and I don’t know if making a box for each Aspect would be viable. Having said that, let’s not give up hope yet… As for the rest of the range, a… Read more »
*ahem* they’re doing plastic space marines for single use characters like the apothecary and chaplain.
The easy-build primaris show that they can do it for troops as well.
We’ve got shadespire warbands that aren’t exactly going to be sold in record numbers, but they’re all plastic too.
So why not do the same for the Eldar aspect warriors and their exarch ?
@limburger I guess they’re expecting more folks to buy the Primaris characters, as so many folks already collect Space Marines and the models are so versatile they can be used in a variety of different armies. Primaris models can be used for all the chapters from the SM Codex, plus the Codexes which will come out for all the big, non-Ultramarine chapters, ie. Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels etc. Space Marines sell the most to both gamers and collectors, I guess, and they’re such a blank canvas for modelling and painting. Shadespire is a Big Thing for Workshop, and… Read more »
With the exception of the Space Marine and Deathguard codexes, all the others are GW attempting to get army list and rules out as quick as possible because this is the first edition in ages where previous edition army lists are not compatible. If you were expecting new models, then you haven’t been paying attention. GW said this year it is concentrating on Imperium (I.e. Marines) and Chaos (nurgle) both model wise and story wise. Next year they said some Xenos factions who haven’t had much attention will get some love. That might include Eldar, it might not (I suspect… Read more »
I find that new Start Collecting boxed set for Eldar to be more appealing than previous one so good job choosing models for it from GW’s part. That said Eldar really need plastic kits for they Aspect Warriors as those are basis of most Eldar armies. .
silly question : what was the ‘old’ box like ?
I was thinking that this set was the old one with unit cards.
It had 1 Farseer Skyrider, 3 Windriders and 1 Fire Prism.
If I was a betting man I would guess new plastic aspect warriors will accompany the Ynarri codex, I suspect production queues are the delay, but rather than delay the codex they have gone this route.
I hope that’s the reason we aren’t seeing them yet.
It would suck if the eldar were stuck with resin/finecast for standard troop choices.
The new “Start collecting” don’t make any sense to me. For improving an existing army? Great, all of those minis are great. But when I think about an starter set I think about some infantry and a transport, maybe a tank? A box you can buy two or three of and use the content almost always. Except playing Iyanden, I don’t think this box is worth buying twice as a point to start an army…
It’s an improvement of the previous starter set (1 farseer and 3 guardians on a bike + Fire Prism). The problem with coming up a new Start Collecting for Eldar, is that most of the range is in resin and / or is old. The guardian kit for instance, is a 3rd edition kit; the Dire Avengers are 4th. I’d argue that they are showing their age (especially when you look at the cost of 5 DA’s). Perhaps there are plans to update that stuff, so they’ve not included it with this kit otherwise it would become out of date?… Read more »
@kamaron They could be models that don’t sell too well anymore and in the box they are and aren’t a ‘discount’. Still, two or three of those sets would make an awesome core for an army.
I like the older models made to order too, I’d like to pick some up.