Full Adepta Sororitas Army Box Contents Revealed For 40K
October 8, 2019 by brennon
Games Workshop has now shown off the full contents of the new Adepta Sororitas Army Box which is going to be landing in November for Warhammer 40,000.
Here you can see the options available in the set. You get the Cannoness leading the way alongside a full squad of Battle Sisters, Sister Repentia, a new Seraphim Squad, Arco-Flagellants and of course the Penitent Engine. As well as that you'll also notice another character, the Repentia Superior, who is going to be using her power whip to urge her troops on to greater feats of holy heroics.
This brutal-looking leader seems like she has a fearsome side to her, ready to bring low the enemies of The Emperor. Whilst I know a lot of people don't like the new look for the Adepta Sororitas I think they are pretty cool, taking a lot of influences from past versions but with a newly updated tweak to fit into the modern design aesthetic for Warhammer 40,000.
It is good to see some more echoes of the wider world of Warhammer 40,000 in there too with the coming of the Arco-Flagellants too!
Inspired by the design of Damien 1427 seen in Inquisitor (the 54mm skirmish game from Games Workshop back in the day) these are some excellent looking characters, a very cool look at the warped and weird side of Warhammer 40,000 and it's darker side. Why just kill your foe when you can twist their body and make them into living weapons?
The Old Guard - Last Chance To Order
As well as these new plastic miniatures which are simply the vanguard for the larger Adepta Sororitas army in Warhammer 40,000 there is also a chance, right now, to get some of the older models from the range.
The classic Battle Sisters, a selection of their characters, vehicles, walkers and more are all available for this week only before they go the way of the dodo. So, if you've got a big chest of gold lying around and you want to try and get your hands on the old metal models you can do so.
Are you going to be picking up some of the new (or old) Adepta Sororitas models?
"Are you going to be picking up some of the new (or old) Adepta Sororitas models?"
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I think the sisters have one of the most consistent designs from 40k that GW does. And I like that and shows that some designs just can’t be improved very much
Well, once they got to be a full army, they got very consistent. They existed with Imperial Allies rules for a surprisingly long time before getting sculpts made for them.
The original design for them looked a bit more like Sisters of Silence (and I’m sure the Silent Sisters were inspired by the old Battle Sisters art).
I think the answer to your question above @brennon , is yes! yes!! and YES!!!!
After seeing the renders, I have to say that these lovely ladies are much better painted up. The new Penitent Engine and Arco-Flagellants look especially good, though I really don’t like the new Repentia. Say what you will, but I prefer the old ones because they actually looked feminine and had a style that conveyed how they had been stripped of their armor and rank; these ones just look like generic Inquisitorial henchwomen.
Quite nice, looking a lot better when painted up. The renders had me doubting a bit, shame though these are mono-pose. Seeing more and more of that from GW these days unfortunately. Hopefully the rest of the line will have more posing / conversion potential.
Arco-Flagellants look great. That is some whip the Cannoness has – last time I saw a whip like that… well, we best not go into that but it cost less than this box will 🙂
Another Sisters army ruined by the inclusion of non Sisters models, won’t be buying.
You don’t have to pick the Arco-Flagellants if you don’t want heh
I have to buy them though, waste of limited funds to buy a box with models that aren’t Sisters to me and I’ll never use. I’ll get the codex and sisters boxes when they’re out on their own.
Arco Flagellants are a part of the sisters and have been for well over a decade now.
You shouldn’t let 3 minis put you off just buy it and sell them to a friend or swap them for the Sisters Repentia with someone else who picked up the box.
I’m not a sisters player but I’m glad this is happening, a lot of players have been waiting on this factions for a long, long time.
Hell yeah – sign me up!
Love this box more every time I see it. Big fan of the Arco-Flagellants but the one on the right just reminds me of Phoebe running in the episode of Friends she went jogging with Rachel…
Liking this range so far. Wont use the Arco Flagellants or the Penitent Engine (sell them off) but the Sisters themselves look pretty good. Ive spoken on what’s wrong with the Canoness and I will need to ‘correct’ the backpack of the Repentia Superior but a strong foundation for this army. Now I need to see the three announced vehicles, the heavy weapons teams and we now need some new preachers and priests for both the sisters and the Imperial Guard.
With Necromunda back I wonder if GW would consider bringing back a Redemptionist Mob. That could be fun.
I have been waiting for years and now I can do a Sister army : D
The HQs are diappointing and the Pentinent Engine needs a BDSM las strapped to it. The Flagellants
make for some painfully good conversion material.
Its a solid release, but it lacks awesomeness.
I’m very excited for the release of this range, but also finding I’m having a love or hate reaction to many of the sculpts. I’d love to get the boxed set, but there’s only 50% of the models I’m keen on. And the faces! Can no one at GW paint a face anymore?
Agreed !
I am already looking into the Raging Heroes line for substitute and headswap opportunities.
I’m with you there. They make some of the best female minis on the market, and I have to say their not-Sisters line is better in many respects, especially their take on the Repentia.
This is the set that will more than likely get me to finally play 40K. I’m just hoping they keep the box south of $200.
looks a fabulous army box set.
I really like all the models, and GW say at the bottom that this is a starter box and the main release will be all new models. It is common for starters sets to comprise monopose models they follow up models contain the more customisable miniatures. You can see by make up of these sprues, they are not designed so they can be released as individual units. I suspect we will see the expanded army at one of the shows they attend (cannot remember name of the big one coming up in November?).
The vast majority of GW product for the last 2 years have been monopose. I don’t see them going back to multi pose any time soon
It’s usually monopose in the army boxes like Shadowspear and then multipose with the individual releases. Characters aside that seems to be the approach to the Primaris range anyway.
I like the models and would love to paint them, but apparently the box has a limited edition codex in it, so I dread to think what the cost will be. I was hoping they would price this starter box reasonably to encourage people to get into this army, but I think that unkikely. GW seems to be hiking up it’s prices again now they’ve rebuilt some goodwill so as much as I want the models, I’ll probably not be getting this unless I’m pleasantly surprised at the price.