What’s in The Box: K-2 (T-54) Ironclad Company

August 7, 2013 by warzan

Time for more heavy metal goodies as Warren and Gareth take a look at the K-2 (T-54) Ironclad Company. Will these be making their way in to your PAVN forces or will you be waiting to find out a bit more about the sneaky ambush rules for the Northern forces?.

What's in The Box: K-2 (T-54) Ironclad Company

Here’s the run down on what you can win:

US Rifle Company Prize

Prize 1: US Rifle Company

1 x Tour of Duty Rule Book

2 x Rifle Platoon VUS712

1 x Machine gun Platoon VUS708

1 x Mortar Platoon VUS705

Dice and Tokens VE003 VE004

Crashed Huey VE107

Loach VUSBX04

PAVN Army Prize

Prize 2: PAVN Army

1 x Tour of Duty Rule Book

Dice and Objective VE002 VE101

Infantry HQ VPABX06

Infantry VPABX07

Weapons Company VPABX08

Divisional Fire Support VPABX09

Local Forces Company VPABX10

To win all you have to do is comment on anything that we send out this week and at the end we’ll pull all the comments in to one big pot and pick two winners before announcing them on not this coming Weekender but the one following it.

So get commenting and enjoy the week!