Strv 103 S-Tank Painting Tutorial | World War 3: Nordic Forces – Battlefront Miniatures

July 13, 2023 by johnlyons

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John gets stuck into a painting tutorial showing off how to paint the 15mm scale Strv 103 S-Tank from World War 3: Nordic Forces, the upcoming expansion to the Team Yankee range from Battlefront Miniatures. Check out some hints and tips for painting up these awesome Cold War-era tanks.

3CU S-Tank painting tutorial team yankee coverimage

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The Strv 103 S-Tank was a Swedish main battle tank that was intended to deal with the invading Soviet armour. It was also designed to match the kind of environments that it would have been fighting in which could change from rolling fields to forests and rocky terrain. John shows off a great set of techniques, trips and tricks for how to bring this tank to life for the new Nordic Forces book.

Paints Used...

  • AK Interactive Black Primer
  • Vallejo Luftwaffe Camo Green
  • Vallejo Black Grey
  • Vallejo Flat Green
  • Vallejo Beige Brown
  • Vallejo Dark Mud
  • AK Interactive Dark Brown Wash
  • AK Interactive Liquid Pigment Medium Earth
  • AK Interactive Liquid Pigment Light Rust Dust

Let us know in the comments if you're going to be going with the Swedish when Nordic Forces land for World War 3!

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